"My Favorite Memory" contest

Over the next few weeks I'll be posting those entries on It's Real Life. What a treat it has been to read the stories!
Here is the first one entry...
My favorite childhood memory is really a collection of memories. My mother's brother played bass in a country/western band in the 1970s, so many of our weekends were spent in bars and supper clubs listening to them play.
I was an only child, and my parents took me with them far more than leaving me home with a babysitter. I always felt incredibly grown-up to sit with them at a table. If I happened to see someone I knew from school, I felt even more excited. Because of Uncle Leon, all the guys in the band knew me on sight, and that gave me a little bit of cachet. I knew nearly every song in every set by heart, but my favorite was Mac Davis' Oh Lord It's Hard to Be Humble, and I requested it nearly every weekend. When I would walk up to the stage, you could nearly see the guys sigh in consternation. I loved dancing with my parents to the fast songs like Peppermint Twist. One of my favorite freeze-framed mental images of my dad is him in a pearl-button snap Western style shirt shaking it to Amie. I loved watching my parents dance because the love between them was palpable. Even better was when Dad would scoop me up in his arms, and we'd all dance together. By the end of the evening, I had overdosed on Shirley Temple cocktails and would fall asleep in the backseat to the sound of my parents quiet conversation. To me that was family and love and fun all rolled up in one.
It's not too late...Submit your own favorite childhood memory here and be entered to win 1 of 10 copies of Sweet September!
Contest ends August 31st. The winner's will be announced September 5th!
I have stumbled upon your blog a few times now in my research for a project. I am posting 50 Generation X Bloggers from 50 different states on my blog. I have chosen your blog based on the subject matter. I originally was looking for the whole cabin under the big Montana sky, but your blog is really great for my list. I just wanted you to know. Thanks, jenx
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