Calling Elizabeth … HELP!

Here is an excerpt from an article I wrote for MOPS.
Mary, the mother of Jesus is one of the most well-known women of all time. She was also a teen mom facing an unplanned pregnancy. This Christmas we will see evidence of Mary’s story all around us. And as you hear it through Christmas songs and Christmas shows think of three things:
Mary was signed up for a big task she wasn’t prepared for.
Mary no doubt faced criticism from people around her.
Mary found someone to turn to – a friend who could help Mary to succeed in her new role. It was Mary’s older cousin Elizabeth.
Elizabeth played an important part in Mary’s life. We know this because the book of Luke begins by telling us Elizabeth’s story first. Elizabeth was the wife of a priest. She was very old and had no children, but God blessed her in her old age by allowing her to get pregnant. After Elizabeth’s story comes Mary’s story ... another surprise pregnancy. Can you imagine what a shock that was to everyone who knew both women? (Yes! I’m sure you can!)
Read the rest here!
Hi Tricia. That was insightful -- looking at Mary from that point of view
On another note, I'm hoping you can help seven of us Books & Such clients publicize our new novelists site.
I know that many of your readers are hungry for high-quality Christian fiction. Several of us who are trying to "raise the bar" in that area have a new blog, featuring six Christian novelists (including myself.) It's called "Novel Matters," and it will include giveaways (like getting a top agent -- our own Janet Grant! -- to read your novel-in-progress, for instance), writing advice, and a look into the hearts of people who are writing sumptuous, irresistible fiction by using surprising and satisfying language, and creating unforgettable characters.
"We aren't afraid to ask the difficult questions that linger in the reader’s mind long after the last page. We are students of craft and desire to join with you in provocative discussions about irresistible fiction, stirring up the passion within author and reader."
Take a look at
If you can post information about this, particularly the giveaway, I'd so appreciate a link to the item.
Writing away,
Latayne C Scott
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