Monday, April 02, 2007

Who's Your 80s Heartthrob????

I have a 101 things to do. I'm leaving for Seattle tomorrow. My kids are leaving on a missions trip while we're gone, and my desk has two weeks worth of mail I have to go through. (Yes, the bills must be paid.)

THEN, there is an Italian director from Italy who wants me to mail him a copy of my latest novel, A Valley of Betrayal. (YEAH!) Oh, and I just got an email from my editor stating that a publishing house is taking one of my ideas to committee next week, but they need more info from me. Not a problemo!

Then, innocently checking my email from my assistant, I came across this quiz. If it was anything but from the 80s (and mentioned the word heartthrob) I would have passed it up.

So who is my 80s heartthrob??

Your 80s Heartthrob Is

Kirk Cameron

Who's Your 80's Heartthrob?

I totally laughed. I've met Kirk TWICE. Once I was innocently standing in line at a cafe in Orlando (during a major book convention) when I felt someone tap my shoulder. It was just Kirk giving me a track and introducing himself. Awesome. He's WAY cuter in person I'll add!

The second time I was signing books at a book convention in Denver. Kirk was signing with his mom right across the aisle. During our signings someone started going CRAZY over Kirk's mom. She must have been an old friend or something. Well, I just casually mentioned, "Wow, no one ever does that for me."

Bless her heart, this lady from DaySpring Cards starts going crazy, "Oh my gosh, it's Tricia Goyer. I can't believe it's TRICIA GOYER!!!!!!!!" She was jumping and screaming. And I couldn't stop laughing!

Not to be out done ... Kirk started screaming and jumping all excited, then he jumped into his bodyguards arms. It just made my week!

All that to say, these quiz things are genious!

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At Tuesday, 03 April, 2007, Blogger Gina Conroy said...

How funny! He would have been one of my choices, but mine came up Scott Baio, which was more on the money since he really was my main 80's heart throb!

Fun quiz!

At Wednesday, 04 April, 2007, Blogger Cara Putman said...

What a hoot! Mine was Michael J. Fox. Family Ties rocks! :-)

Let's see my brush with fame? Umm, I get to hang out with Colleen Coble? I almost ran over Tom Brokaw in a doorway at the Republican National Convention in San Diego in 1996? Do those count :-)


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