Thursday, January 08, 2009

Today is the day!

I love history. I really do. I’ve written seven historical novels. I adore The History Channel. But I’ve been pondering the fact that what happened in the past isn’t nearly as important as how I live my life today.

In my role as a parent/wife I’ve looked into the past, too. I’ve taken note of the type of world Gen Xers were raised in. In my books, I’ve helped Gen Xers understand why we think how we think and why we do what we do. But I didn’t stop there. Hopefully, my insight into all-things-Gen-X also spills over to sage advice for parents/married partners on how they should live their lives … today. After all, today is the day we can make things different/better/right.

All these thoughts were rolling around in my head like marbles in a blender when I read this Scripture from my daily reading:
And the Lord said to Noah, Come with all your household into the ark, for I have seen you to be righteous (upright and in right standing) before Me in this generation. Genesis 7:1

When I read the second half of that verse something resonated with me. I WANT THAT. I want God to look down on me and say, for I have seen TRICIA to be righteous (upright and in right standing) before Me in this generation. I imagine you would like the same too (except with your name inserted, of course!). (Want to read more from Noah? Go here: I love Grace's thoughts!)

For the most part, it doesn’t matter that Gen Xers had stinky childhoods and were given a bad rap. The truth is that at this moment we can made good decisions to be upright and in right standing with God. What happened in our past doesn’t compare to what can happen if we submit everything in our lives to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Have you taken this step of faith?

Do you believe Jesus died for your sins and rose again to pay for your offenses so you can live in eternity with Him? Do you want Him to be Lord of your life? Do you want to discover what salvation is all about? If so, tell Him that in your own words. And when you’re through email me to tell me about your decision! (fromdustandashes @

Or maybe you’ve already accepted Christ but you’ve been so focus on the past (of your life, of your relationships, of your mistakes) that you haven’t dedicated every moment of your future to following God. You can also pray (yes, right now!) and ask that God will help you become upright and right standing before Him in this generation. God will LOVE to hear that prayer, too. And if you do make a re-commitment, let me know that too.

I’m a Gen-Xer, remember, I’m always available for a good celebration!


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