Thursday, April 19, 2007

The same can be said for parenting...

If you've worked with people for any length of time you'll come across those difficult cases. You know, the ones that refuse to be fixed. You talk to them, pray for them, tell them about God ... and they don't seem to change. You feel like a failure.

One thing that helped me SO much when it comes to reaching out is realizing that Jesus taught thousands and thousands and only a small percentage of them believed. Jesus gave a message to all who would listened, but only a few were truly transformed ... or at least in the beginning. (Who knows how those seeds later took root?!)

Yet, Jesus kept his eyes open for those whose hearts were ready. We too must connect with the seekers. Remember Zacchaeus? Jesus saw the "wee little man" in the tree and knew he was ready. Who is in the tree in your life ready to hear the good news you have to share?

Once Jesus shared the truth and a new believer accepted it, Jesus brought him/her closer. He shared more, and in some cases he mentored them.

All we can do is the same.

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At Thursday, 19 April, 2007, Blogger Jen's Journey said...

Wow! Thank you for that insight!


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