Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Like Mother, Like Daughter

I'm more like Grace than I'd like to admit!

She's an adorable, rambunctious, high-energy, intelligent, limit-pushing girl who'd never think twice about scaling a metal pole in a dress. That's why I make her wear shorts all the time.

My mom would often tell me she'd have to pull me from the chandeliers. I'm not sure if that was just an expression, but watching my daughter, I'm sure it's not much of an exaggeration.

The other day she told me "Mommy, in my dream I tell the people I'm dreaming!"

I said, "When I was little I used to do the same thing."

"You did?"

"Yes," I said. "Even when I was being chased by monsters I'd stopped and look at them and say 'You can't hurt me it's just a dream.'"

Grace looked in awe.

When I look at my outgoing, spunky, independent, adorable little girl, I often wonder what she's going to be like when she grows up. If I was so much like her, then when did I turn into an insecure, shy child?

I think I know the answer. Probably when my parents' divorced. I'm always amazed when people look at the children of divorced parents and claim they're doing fine. I don't think they're doing fine. They may get straight A's like I did, have good morals, like I did, stay out of trouble, like I did...but I don't think they're okay.

I think there's a huge hole in their heart. I think there's a part of them that cries at night and is frustrated with always having to split the holidays between two parents. I think there's a part of them that hates having to choose between their parents, and it's a lie to think you don't. You do. I still have to choose who to visit for how long and what holidays to spend with them. It's a royal pain in the butt and something I NEVER wish to inflict upon my children.

I'm not sure where this post has migrated to, but it makes me wonder what I would be like today if my parents had modeled a healthy relationship?

I know I would probably be a healthier parent and have a healthier marriage. My daughter is a lot like me, but I pray she never ends up like me. I pray that she takes all her God given potential and energy and never hides it under a bushel or questions her self-worth.

When she grows up, I pray she's develops into the person God has created her to be!

Gina Conroyhttp://portraitofawriter.ginaconroy.com/ http://www.shoutlife.com/Ginaconroyhttp://writerinterrupted.com/
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At Tuesday, 11 September, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, my girlfriend and I were talking about my girls and the impact of two houses has on them. She urged me to become a stronger parent not be so wishy washy.

She wants my girls to be comfortable with me and willing to talk. Have the confidence to be whatever they want.

Thanks for your words.


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