Contest alert...contest alert...

I must be bored (not) and rich (totally not)...because I'm having another contest!
Yep, that's right...a C-O-N-T-E-S-T!
(Details on the OTHER contest -- for teens! here!)
This contest runs from September 16 through October 26 !
Here's the SCOOP!
Did you live your teen years unscripted? Or did you think it through and make wise choices?
Write a sample script from your teen years (I know--scary!) and post it along with information about my book on your blog! Your script could be where you make a good choice ... or a not so good one. Also share how God's Word helps you as you script your life today!
The person with most creative blog post during the tour will win a gift basket which includes starbucks coffee, amazon gift card, an itunes gift card, and more. There will also be 5 runner up small gift baskets.
Oh...wait! There's one more contest! Ha!
If you sign up for my newsletter here between now and Oct. 12, you'll be entered to win all of my fiction books (6 books!)
Okay...I think that's it...for now! :)
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