Wednesday, April 19, 2006

I Choose Faithfulness...

A few days ago I came across this quote by Max Lucado:

“I choose faithfulness . . . Today I will keep my promises. My debtors will not regret their trust. My associates will not question my word. My wife will not question my love. And my children will never fear that their father will not come home.”

It made me think of some of my daily choices. Who do I choose to be faithful to today?

Like Lucado, I choose to be faithful to my husband, my children, my friends, and those I work with. I choose to be faithful to my extended family members, my readers, and church body.

But I also realize that choosing faithfulness is an action. I choose by making daily decisions and following through . . . no matter how hard it is.

I choose through my open arms and my smile. I choose by my honoring thoughts and words. I choose by putting others’ needs above my own. And it’s really, really hard!

In fact, I’ve discovered that the only way I can be faithful is to be filled with Christ. When I take time in the morning to pray, to listen, to worship, and to read God’s Word, then I get filled up. Christ’s faithfulness fills me and flows out.

If I try really, really hard, I can be faithful 10% of the time (if I’m lucky). When I fill myself up with God, He works in ways that exhibit faithfulness in all areas of my life. I am blessed as He works, and so are those who satellite my world.


At Thursday, 20 April, 2006, Blogger Gina Conroy said...

I choose by putting others’ needs above my own. And it’s really, really hard!

That sums up what I do on a daily basis. It's sooooo hard putting everyone else's need before my own. It's sooooo hard homeschooling when I'd rather be writing, and it's soooo hard watching others see their dreams fulfilled when I'm still stuck in the muck and mire of daily life.

Thank God He is always there, waiting for us, ready to comfort us through our trials.

At Friday, 21 April, 2006, Blogger Tricia Goyer said...

I agree Gina. I've also found that when I take care of the people God's put in my life, He takes care of my dreams and hopes.

When I smile despite the 10th trip to Wal-mart that week, or sweeping the floor (yet again), then I'm amazed how He blesses my writing time.

It's the funny way God works! Blessings to you as you serve Him through serving others!!!


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