Tuesday, September 12, 2006

What Family Means to Me

There are many types of kids to love. Those I've given birth to. The one we're in the process of adopting internationally. And the ones that God places in my life for a season . . . or so I think.

My "extended" family now includes numerous teen moms I've mentored over the years. Some I consider friends. Some I've unfortunately lost track of over time. Then there are those who became as much a part of the family as anyone else. Nathan and Kayleigh have been that for our family. (Check out the photo of them last year!)

I think Gen Xers appreciate the idea of extended family more than most. We grew up sometimes knowing more about TV families than our own. Our friends became our closest connections during the crazy 80s. And all along we wanted someone to belong to--someone who understood. Now, it seems, we often open our homes and our hearts to those in need of help and care. And in return we are impacted.

Yeah, I've given a lot of help to Nathan, Kayleigh, and the kids . . . but I've received so much in return. Just as each one of my kids brings a new color of joy to my world, so do the "adopted" ones that are now part of me for life.


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