Thursday, August 31, 2006


Well, I'm happy to report that homestudy went extremely well. It was painless, actually! And the more we talked with the social worker, the more excited I became. We will have another daughter, it's just a matter of a little more paperwork and a lot of time waiting. (We're looking at 1 1/2 years still!)

One cool thing is how this adoption process has helped us understand God even better. Every night, we have a time of Bible Study with our kids. We're currently studying the first chapters of Ephesians. These chapters talk about God's plan to adopt us as His own. About Him preparing a heavenly place for us. About our seat in the heavenly places.

Likewise, we have this child in our hearts . . . and she's most likely not even born. We pray for her. We have a name for her. She is a part of our family. It's a message that resonates in our hearts.

Thank you for your continued prayers. Next week I'll be plunging in to the remaining paperwork, and then it's time to start my next book project. Oh, and let's not forget homeschooling. At least I'm not twiddling my thumbs as I wait for our girl! Instead I'm diligently working at what God lays before me . . . trusting Him.


At Thursday, 31 August, 2006, Blogger Heather Gemmen Wilson said...

Wow! How exciting. Congratulations, Tricia!


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