Friday Flashback!

This is John and I when we were dating. I knew I should marry the guy if he thought I was cute in my bathrobe ... it's still my best look!
Stop Lurking! Every week I will draw names for a free Tricia Goyer book from those who comment on my blogs. Winner's choice! Tell your friends.
Guest Blogger...Mother Inferior, Dena Dyer!
The Swimsuit Bluesby Dena Dyer
Here's a little end-of-summer reflection to (hopefully!) brighten your afternoon:
The other day, our workplace had a cookout/swim party. Because my kids love to swim and my spouse was helping at the grill, I was the designated swim-parent.
Oh, joy.
So I had to get into my suit for the first time in a year. It was not a pretty sight. Since I’m nearly forty, my suit is a “smart” suit, which means it’s made of forgiving fabric and is black with vertical—not horizontal—stripes, for obvious reasons.
Unfortunately, the help stops there. My arms and thighs, God bless ‘em, are fully exposed. And can you say “whiteout”? I needed to apologize to my fellow swimmers for burning their retinas with my paleness. Oh well, at least the pool changing area had no mirror.
You know, on four out of five days, I feel pretty good about myself. After all, I’ve lost over fifty pounds since having my second child (yes, I ate for two—or was it five?—during pregnancy). I could tone up, but who has time when they’re juggling home, family, and work? I’m lucky if I can squeeze in a walk twice a week.
But speaking of squeezing, as I stuffed my post-pubescent body into the Spandex sausage-casing, I rethought my fitness regime. By the time I got one leg through its hole, I was vowing to do one hundred leg lifts a day. After hoisting my other leg up and through, I decided to perform several hundred sit-ups before breakfast. And after sucking in, pulling the swimsuit over my belly, and sticking my arms through, I decided that was workout enough.
Swimsuit season always makes me reconsider my “absolutely not, never, no way” stance on plastic surgery. After all, who couldn’t use a little nip and tuck here and there?
And I’m not alone. The numbers of women who’ve gone under the knife has increased to such an extent that a prominent Miami plastic surgeon has written a children’s book explaining why Mommy is getting a nose job and breast implants (really!).
It’s called My Beautiful Mommy and is written for readers ages 4-7. The book describes a mom explaining how she’ll appear after surgery. The daughter asks, “Why are you going to look different?” and the mother replies, “Not just different, my dear—prettier!”
But maybe the author is onto something. Why not create a whole series of books to help kids understand their mommies:
• My Cellulite-Free Mommy, for kids whose moms have had liposuction. (“Not just firm, my dear—less pockmarked!”)
• My Stylish Mommy, for children whose moms regularly spend way too much on accessories. (“It’s from your college fund, darling—can you say, ‘Prada’?”)
• My Tabloid Mommy, for those with moms on the front page of Star magazine (“I’m just wearing this towel over my face until we get in the car, sweetums.”)
Actually, when I stop beating myself up long enough to consider the costs, not to mention the risks, of plastic surgery, I come to my senses. The only reason I’d consider it is because our culture places such a high value on outer appearances, and I tend to get swept up in all the midriff-baring mania.
The things I read and watch--whether they’re lies on the front of a tabloid magazine or the truth from God’s word---determine the state of my heart. So when I immerse myself in His truth, I remember that God adores me, whether or not my arms are toned. He delights in me more than I can fathom, even though I will never have “abs of steel.” He loves every single part of me, from the stretch marks on my thighs to the tiny dark hairs sprouting on my chin.
And you know what else? My hubby and two sons don’t care what my measurements are, or how perfect I look. They love me simply because I’m me. In fact, they constantly tell me how nice I look. The other day, I woke up with some serious bed-hair. As I sat at my computer in a torn t-shirt and faded sweat pants, my sweet, thoughtful and obviously vision-impaired four year-old said, “Mommy, you’re pretty in your day clothes, your pajamas, or even on a date.” :)
And that, my dear readers, is worth ten Prada bags, fourteen tummy tucks, and at least a thousand sit-ups.
copyright 2008, Dena Dyer
Want more info? Visit my website:
Mother Inferior Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this devotional, stop by my website and sign up for my newsletter!
Spread the Bread!
"Do you know a TEEN writer or artist?
The global nonprofit organization, Spread the Bread, ( is launching a new teen eZine called Planet Bread. They're looking for teen writers and artists with submissions that share real-life messages/stories of HOPE, INSPIRATION or GRATITUDE, using their world as their lens.
Contributors can decide how theyd like to communicate their submission: feature article, opinion piece, poem, cartoon, photograph, blog, video or something else?
The eZine will be launching the last week in October.
For more information,e-mail: and put "eZine launch" in the subject line.
My two older kids just got home from Mexico!
They traveled there after leaving the Czech Republic and one of the things they did was build a house for a family. The program is called
Homes of Hope.
Leslie building house in Mexico.

Cory building a house in Mexico.

In this photo Leslie is helping to lift a wall.

Special gifts from the team.

The house builders with the family they built the house for!

shingle girl

Cory hauling trusses

Brother and sister teamwork

Leslie nailing up drywall

Cory painting
Botox for the Heart
Okay, I have to admit it. There are days that I'm just grumpy. Sometimes it's due to the rise and fall of my hormones. (I'll stop with that, thank you very much.) But other times it's due to little things. Mud tracked in on a freshly mopped floor. A not-so-positive review of one of my books. The scale.
I may not yell at my kids or snub my husband, but the underlining joy is gone, and my whole household is affected.
I've tried different things to transform my attitude. Sometimes walking my dog helps. Other times a hot bath (yes, even mid-day) will do the trick. But there is one thing that helps no matter what . . . turning to God and realizing my dumpy 'tude is most likely due to a thirsty soul. A soul that needs communion. To be filled up--for only then can I joyfully pour out love to those I've vowed to cherish forever.
Here's a great Scripture to meditate on the next time you feel your attitude sinking and struggling:
As the deer pants for streams of water,
so my soul pants for you, O God.
My soul thirst for God, for the living God.
When can I go and meet with God? . . .
Why are you downcast, O my soul?
Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God,
for I will yet praise him,
my Savior and my God. (Psalm 42:1-2,5-6)
Thinking and rethinking my need for God, pausing to praise, allowing His voice to speak concerning my discontent, and putting my hope in Him gives me an instant change of heart. My day looks brighter, the "little things" don't seem to matter so much, and a smile returns to my dimpled cheeks. (And, boy, is my family glad!)
In fact, turning to God is like Botox for the heart. It provides an instant faith-lift!
Friday Flashback!

My grandma came for a visit and I think we wore her out. She lives with us now and has the same look on a daily basis!
Stop Lurking! Every week I will draw names for a free Tricia Goyer book from those who comment on my blogs. Winner's choice! Tell your friends.
Guest Blogger...Cara Putman

This week I noticed the weeds were starting to get out of control in my flower beds. I've always loved gardening. Even a perfectionist can find satisfaction in pulling out weeds and noting progress.
This time as I weeded I could see the parable in it.
God has me in a place where He's pushing me to go deeper with Him. I keep praying for that desire -- one of those prayers He will always answer. But now comes the hard work. I have to force myself to get out of bed when I'm exhausted from a rough night with Rebecca. Make my time with Him a priority. Draw near to Him, so He can draw near to me.
I looked at my flowerbeds. From a distance -- even a short one of five feet or so -- they are beautiful. There's a riot of great color coming from petunias and zinnias. My perennials are rich and lush.
But if you get closer...then you see the weeds poking up. The flowers past their prime that need to be dead-headed so fresh flowers can develop. The roses have lots of holes on the leaves from some mite that decided they're tasty.
So I steal a few minutes and stoop down. I get my fingernails dirty as I pull at the weeds, chop off the flowers. At times the job can get overwhelming. But I love the blast of color -- the welcoming nod of the flowers. The flit of the butterflies and bees that like the nectar, So I do the work.
How much more I should do what it takes to go deeper with God. One 5 minute increment at a time, move back my alarm. Each day a new commitment to spend time with Him before I do or read anything else. Turning my thoughts toward Him at each opportunity. Allowing Him to show me the weeds in my own life that need to be pulled and the plants that need to be pruned. All so I can bear fruit that will bring glory to His name.
New book by former Jars of Clay member, Matt Bronleewe
I don't normally promote books on this blog, but this one seems especially intriguing.
This week, theChristian Fiction Blog Allianceis introducingHouse Of WolvesThomas Nelson (August 12, 2008)byMatt BronleeweABOUT THE AUTHOR:
Matt Bronleewe is a recognized producer, songwriter and author. The former member of the band Jars of Clay, has earned numerous awards producing and co-writing albums that have sold a combined total of over 20 million copies. His songs have recently been recorded by Disney pop sensations Aly & AJ, American Idol finalist Kimberley Locke, and more. Bronleewe has worked with Grammy Award-winning artists such as Michael W. Smith, International pop singer Natalie Imbruglia and Heroes star Hayden Panettiere.
Born in Dallas, Texas, Bronleewe was raised on a farm in Kansas, where he lived until he left for college in 1992. At Greenville College in Illinois, Bronleewe formed the band Jars of Clay with his dorm roommate and two neighbors, and the group soon found success. Though Bronleewe opted to leave Jars of Clay early on to pursue an academic career, he soon found himself in Nashville, co-writing, producing, and playing music professionally.
To add to his list of accomplishments, Bronleewe has expanded his love of story telling beyond music into authorship. He is currently penning a 5 book series for Thomas Nelson Fiction. His first book
Illuminated began the adventurous series about rare manuscripts and the mysteries within.
Bronleewe currently resides in Brentwood, Tenn., with his wife and three children. He continues to write and produce music, and he also volunteers through his church to help disadvantaged youth in the community. Bronleewe enjoys reading, taste-testing good food and watching sports, as well as indulging his interests in art, architecture, design and science.
A mysterious book with a dangerous secret.
An evil brotherhood out to conquer the world.
One man stands between them . . . with his family in the balance.
In the twelfth century, Henry the Lion collected the rarest relics in Christendom. And to protect his most precious acquisitions, he encoded the whereabouts in a gorgeous illuminated manuscript called The Gospels of Henry the Lion.
The manuscript has been showing up and disappearing ever since. No one knows where the relic has been hidden . . . or its ultimate power.
Only one man holds the key to the mystery.
He's carrying it in his briefcase at his son's school for show-and-tell, and he thinks it's a fake. But he's about to find out just how real it is.
Because the wolves are rapidly closing in. And if August Adams can't decode the secret in time, the world's balance of power will forever be altered.
If you would like to read an excerpt of
House Of Wolves, it will be
"My Favorite Memory" contest

Earlier this month I announced the "My Favorite Memory" contest and asked you to send in your favorite childhood memories to be entered to win 1 of 10 copies of my new book
Sweet September!
Over the next few weeks I'll be posting those entries on
It's Real Life. What a treat it has been to read the stories!
Here is the first one entry...
My favorite childhood memory is really a collection of memories. My mother's brother played bass in a country/western band in the 1970s, so many of our weekends were spent in bars and supper clubs listening to them play.
I was an only child, and my parents took me with them far more than leaving me home with a babysitter. I always felt incredibly grown-up to sit with them at a table. If I happened to see someone I knew from school, I felt even more excited. Because of Uncle Leon, all the guys in the band knew me on sight, and that gave me a little bit of cachet. I knew nearly every song in every set by heart, but my favorite was Mac Davis' Oh Lord It's Hard to Be Humble, and I requested it nearly every weekend. When I would walk up to the stage, you could nearly see the guys sigh in consternation. I loved dancing with my parents to the fast songs like Peppermint Twist. One of my favorite freeze-framed mental images of my dad is him in a pearl-button snap Western style shirt shaking it to Amie. I loved watching my parents dance because the love between them was palpable. Even better was when Dad would scoop me up in his arms, and we'd all dance together. By the end of the evening, I had overdosed on Shirley Temple cocktails and would fall asleep in the backseat to the sound of my parents quiet conversation. To me that was family and love and fun all rolled up in one.
It's not too late...
Submit your own favorite childhood memory here and be entered to win 1 of 10 copies of
Sweet September!
Contest ends August 31st. The winner's will be announced September 5th!
Our Parent's Marriage...

While researching for
Generation NeXt Marriage, I sent out a ton of questionnaires on different topics related to marriage...
Here is some of the feedback I received about our parent's marriages:My parents have always been a positive role model because they currently have been married for 32 years. For the most part their marriage was good, everyone has their ups and downs especially over 32 years!!~~Dee My parent's marriage was short and full of heartache. My father was continually unfaithful and didn't even try to hide it. After bearing five children (all girls), my mother finally got fed up and they divorced. As I grew, I never had an example of what a marriage should look like. I never knew submission. I never knew sacrificial love. I never accepted the need and role of a man in my life. Our them song growing up was "I am Woman, Hear Me Roar". Who needs a man!?! It took over 10 years of my marriage to learn submission and sacrifice. For years I just did things my way and in the process, I crushed my husband's spirit and insulted his manhood. As he withdrew I got more controlling. Today, I still struggle with our roles in the marriage and with bitterness when I don't get my way. ~~Michelle My parents' marriage had a positive impact on mine. They work together as a team and provided an example of stick-to-it-iveness that many of our generation didn't get to see.
~~CaraI never had a good model, my father was career navy and my mother lived for her children. My father was out to sea for 6 months at a time, and when he was home, he drank a lot and my parents fought constantly. The kids were always in the middle of it, and they blamed each other repeatedly in front of us. They did the best they knew how to do, but it wasn't ideal. My husband's parents both drank, and he never knew his biological father. They had a very rocky relationship as well. We found that neither one of us had a blueprint for a healthy marriage...we kind of had to make it up as we went along.
~~CarmenMy parents' marriage wasn't that great when I was growing up. They separated several times and things were often ugly. They worked through their problems though and are now happily married. Their example taught me many things, most importantly that marriage takes a lot of work. Unfortunately (and actually fortunately too), it has made me set very, very high (and often unrealistic) expectations for my own marriage. My poor husband is a real trooper though and he gives and gives.
~~AmyMy parents were high school sweethearts and have been married for over forty years. My friends used to giggle when they saw Mom and Dad holding hands. “Your parents are so cute!” Not that they didn’t have their tense moments. They argued and still do occasionally. For some reason their little “fights” never scared me as a child because I knew they loved each other. They taught me a great deal about the importance of affection and knowing how to choose your battles.
I think I just expected to have a relationship like the one they had—or better. I never considered how much different personalities play into a marriage relationship and I am very different from both my parents. I also had another lesson to learn—that my husband had his own experiences and expectations and that that would also have an affect.
~~JeanetteWhat about you...what did you learn from your parents' marriage?Read more here!
Friday Flashback!

Note the dimples. I hear it's a deformity of the facial muscles, but our family does it cute!
Stop Lurking! Every week I will draw names for a free Tricia Goyer book from those who comment on my blogs. Winner's choice! Tell your friends.
A Czech, an American, and a romance...
This is a cute story from the Olympic games. It involves a gold medal, a Czech, an American, and a romance. Who can beat that?
Our Parent's Marriage...

While researching for Generation NeXt Marriage, I sent out a ton of questionnaires on different topics related to marriage...
Here is some of the feedback I received about our parent's marriages:My mom was married several times (over 5), my dad and his second wife have been married over thirty years now and my husband's mom and dad have sustained successful second marriages as well. These situations have given me pause to consider that we are not our parents, but we can learn from their mistakes. neither of our parents wanted us to get married though, so being married for these 12 years so far has been a testament to God's hand on our lives.
~~AndoraOh, now there's a book of it's own! lol
My parents divorced and my mom divorced again (and again). I had NO role model for marriage at all. Those first few years were rough for me because I thought my husband was just someone there to meet my needs. Needless to say, it got pretty rough sometimes. I didn't know how to handle conflict, I didn't know how to cook, clean or do anything but dress myself and get myself to school (college). I sure have grown a lot during the last 14 1/2 years! Wise Mentor moms and Christian lady friends have helped me figure out what a Godly marriage looks like.
~~KristyBoth of our parents' marriages felt like lead weights around our necks. We fought that burden for a long time and carried anger and unforgiveness toward them that threatened to destroy us before our marriage had a chance. The lessons we learned from watching our parents yell or avoid conflict made it harder to work through issues and forgive each other. But forgiving them and taking responsibility for our own actions has taken us a long way towards healing. Not only has it helped our marriage, but it's also paved the way for a healthier relationship with both sets of parents.
~~AmyI knew what I DIDN’T want my marriage to be like! We both decided we didn’t want to be yellers. We also didn’t want to grow apart and have made sure we have common interests to keep us doing things together. We have regular dates whether for lunch or dinner. We are attending our second marriage conference this year at the beginning of May. We read books like “Sex Begins in the Kitchen” by Kevin Leman or “The Five Love Languages” by Gary Chapman to learn more about how to have a better Godly marriage.
In the negative, I sometimes see my husband doing or saying things which remind me of my father. Those aren’t good times since I didn’t have the best relationship with Dad growing up. I have had to learn to relinquish the spiritual reins of the family and to be more submissive than my natural tendencies would be. I’m not a doormat like my mom was for years. It’s also had a huge impact on how we’ve raised our kids.
We make sure our kids see us hugging and snuggling with each other to show our love. We also let them see us have disagreements to show them positive conflict resolution. Something neither of us learned from our parents.
We both share our faith with our kids. They see us praying together and discussing spiritual issues. They see us as being part of our church and not only attenders on Sunday.
~~AllisonI'll post more tomorrow. What about you...what did you learn from your parents' marriage?
Friday Flashback!

She learned at a young age to love the camera. You should see her MySpace page now!
Stop Lurking! Every week I will draw names for a free Tricia Goyer book from those who comment on my blogs. Winner's choice! Tell your friends.
Czech update!
You can read previous updates and see pictures from our trip
Things have been going very good here. We've had more contacts with people. One of our young men, Isaac, had lunch with the unbelieving family of one of the teens and it went very well. Other members have gone to coffee with other people we've met--all unbelievers with many questions. Also, there were 15 unbelievers at our mini-concert and farewell party. The Czech church was SO excited. Their whole church is 40 adults and they have a very hard time connecting with new people. Additional people came to church on Sunday who we connected with at the camp. God is good!
Then, last night at a family seminar I taught, another young couple from camp came. That's the first time they've been to church. EVERYONE keeps asking us if we'll come back, including them. So keep praying!!! It's amazing really the relationships we've built in such a short time ... and we'll continue to pray that these people will continue the connection with the church body even after we're gone.
Pray for encouragement for the team too. Yesterday we went to an amazing Bethlehem model (it was very cool) and a castle. (They Czech people had planned this surprise for us.) But during this mini-trip, I heard more than one person (teens) mention that this last week has seemed uneventful. Both John and I talked to them about all the unbelievers who have connected with the Czech Church. I don't think they realize what a HUGE thing this is!!!
So pray that God will encourage their hearts and they will see that these relationships we're building are the main point of the trip. The fact that one young man has given his heart to Christ is unbelievable, as the missionary had only had three commitments in seven years.
Also pray for us today. (Thursday) We are going to a large neighboring town to pass out Bibles, do 5-minute English lessons, and encourage people to sign up for longer English lessons they'll be doing. (It's the same town my friend Robin Jones Gunn smuggled Bibles into in the 1970s ... and we'll be passing them out on the streets!) Pray that we'll connect with people and be encouraged as a team.
One Smooth Stone by Marcia Lee Laycock
Meet Canadian author Marcia Lee Laycock! Award-wining Canadian Author/SpeakerMarcia’s writing began in the attic of her parents’ home where she wrote poetry and short stories for her dolls. She says they never complained so she kept it up. Since those humble beginnings, her work has been published in magazines, newspapers and anthologies in both Canada and the U.S. and has been broadcast on radio across Canada. Marcia’s work also appears frequently on the world wide web. She currently writes a weekly devotional column, The Spur, which appears in publications across Alberta and goes out by e-mail to more than 4,000 readers each week. Marcia’s fiction and non-fiction has won many prizes, garnering praise from notable Christian writers like Janette Oke, Mark Buchanan, Phil Callaway and Sigmund Brouwer. She has published two devotional books and in 2006 won the Best New Canadian Christian Author Award for her novel, One Smooth Stone, which was released by Castle Quay Books in September 2007.
Marcia has been actively involved in Inscribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship, an organization based in Alberta, and The Word Guild, based in Ontario, Canada. She has taught many writing workshops and is a sought-after speaker for Christian women’s groups. Marcia leads a busy life, not just as a writer and speaker but as a pastor’s wife, mother of three girls, and handler of two Golden Retrievers and a six-toed cat. See Marcia’s website at
www.vinemarc.comOf Herself, Marcia Says –
“I was raised on an island in Lake Huron, ran away to Alaska, had a "road to Mayo" conversion in the Yukon, leaped by faith into Bible College with my husband in 1985 and landed in the "promised land" of central Alberta in 1988. I've had the privilege of living a few miles south of the Arctic Circle (Dawson City Yukon) and a couple of degrees south of the equator (Papua New Guinea). I suppose that's why my writing is steeped in the imagery of winter, with the odd palm tree thrown in.”The novel tells the story of Alex Donnelly who is running and trying to hide from nearly everyone. He has picked a good place to do it - the Yukon - but is pursued by friends, enemies, and most effectively, by God. Burning with the need to know about his parents, Alex returns to his birth-city, Seattle, where he discovers that his mother tried to abort him. The trauma sends him on the run again only to find out God has orchestrated a divine appointment for him back in the Yukon. The story is filled with miraculous healing, struggles with rage, and an obsession with revenge for a childhood abuser. It shows that God never gives up on those whom He has chosen. His mercy and grace extend to those who consider themselves unworthy, and even more so, to those who are considered unworthy in the eyes of the world. Laycock says, "The book tries to illustrate that no matter how far you run, God will find you. No matter how bad you've been, God will forgive you."
Read an excerpt!
Thank you for your continued prayers!

Not I at work, but God...
I can't wait to sit down and blog more when I get back. There is so much to share and so little time.
Overall I'm awed by our team. And I am so impressed with our youth. They have been amazing and we've received compliments all around. Of course they are crazy, goofy, and having a ton of fun but they are so in tune to connecting with the people and touching their hearts. I totally love seeing God exceed my expectations...and am once again brought face to face with the power of the Holy Spirit.
Anyway, we've been asked 100 times if we've been asked once if we'd return next year. The fact that we've seen one person accept Christ and we've seen thirty others take steps closer to Him in nothing short of a miracle. We know we are building on what other teams have done in the past. We also are extremely aware of the immense prayer support we have behind us. In fact many people have commented on that fact. "We can feel your whole Christian community behind you. They sent 20, but we can feel the prayers of 2,000."
The need in the Czech Republic is great. We have been asked to staff the next English camp again next year. They were so pleased with how we worked together as a team and the classes we've taught. We've also been asked to work with new IMB missionaries Larry and Melissa Lewis who will be in Plzen ... about three hours from where we are now. We've been working alongside Larry and Melissa and our group have fallen in love with them and their three children! They have become "our" missionaries.
We also had the director of a small Baptist Bible college drive three hours just to meet us. He came so we can go back and tell our church about them, their students, and their needs. They are currently training seven Czech men to be pastors and they will also be helping these men with church launching in two years once their education is complete. The young couple who runs the college teach all the classes and build support, because the men are unable to go to school and work. They are amazing! Their work is amazing!
Overall, we are encouraged by the care of the Czech people and their interest in Christianity. They are more open to spiritual conversations than we thought and many of the are extremely close to accepting Christ. We are certain that if we can return and build on these relationships that we will see many more souls saved. Of course, in this country it's not a quick process. The communist indoctrination is very evident. Yet we are encouraged everyday by the conversations we have with people and the friendships we are building.
We are also been extremely cared for by the small Czech church. They are pouring love and attention on us and they are also "eating up" our fellowship. They have said over and over again how meaningful it us to know that a church in the US has cared for their small church of sixty people. They presented us with gifts to take back to our congregation. We were awed by them.
Our new church friends have been feeding us and offered their homes. I was mentioning last night to one couple how spoiled we feel. Ivan said, "That is because we want you to return and bring back others to share Christ with our countrymen." That's what we've been asked over and over--to bring back more believers. In fact just this morning from a medical doctor who attended our camp. This is part of what he said:
"Thank You very much for Your time, You did the very good job in Cenkovice. Please, give our best regards in Your church.
Now I pray, that God could send more others Christians to our country in next summer ..."
Finally, I can't express how EAGER the people are to learn English. It's as if we've been given a great treasure by knowing this language and they are eager and grateful for every moment we spend sharing our knowledge with them. What an opportunity!
Okay, signing off for now. Thank you for your continued prayers!
Friday Flashback!

Leslie didn't walk until she was 14-months-old. She took her roll as "doll" seriously. She's terrified of Cory letting go of her, as you can tell. Now they're 18 and 15 and best buds. He hasn't let her down yet!
Stop Lurking! Every week I will draw names for a free Tricia Goyer book from those who comment on my blogs. Winner's choice! Tell your friends.