Thursday, September 28, 2006

Gen X Issues

There is a great article about Gen X Parents that my friend, Cara, emailed to me. Check it out here.

USA Today: Round and round they go.

Here is a section about Gen X Parents:

Gen-Xers may have been among the large numbers of latchkey children, whose mothers worked. They want a stable family and a balanced life with more hands-on help from dads. Also, they're somewhat wary of technology because they didn't grow up with it, experts say.

"Liat Baranoff of Menlo Park, Calif., and her attorney husband, Jeremy Burns, are both 31. Baranoff works four days a week teaching middle school science. Burns tries to stay involved with the parenting of their 19-month-old son, she says.

"He refuses to work more than a 10- or 15-minute commute," Baranoff says. "He wants to have dinner with him if he's going to be working until midnight."

David Hamermesh, 36, a project manager for a mortgage company in Ann Arbor, Mich., has two children, ages 10 and 8. He and his wife, Amy, have banned TVs and computers from their kids' rooms and have strict rules about using them.

"We have set time limits for how much they can spend with electronics each day," he says. "It gets very complicated."

I'm not sure about you, but I can relate with both of the issues brought up. For example, when we were in the process of building our home, there was one criteria when it came to looking for lots--it had to be within a 15-minute drive of my husband's work, and it is. And John is able to come home for lunch at least two days a week (depending on his meeting schedueles), which I love.

Also, we are very picky about eletronics. (TVs and computers have to be in public view and must have guards against all the evils of the world!) My friends are picky too and one of our common topics of conversation includes questions like, What are your rules for computer games? How many hours a day can they play? When do they have to turn them off at night?

Twenty years ago, these were non-issues, yet to us they are real problems that we need real solutions for. But instead of hearing from the experts, we like to hear what other parens are doing.

So, what is your take on these two issues?

And . . . have you come across any good resources lately for Gen Xers?


At Friday, 29 September, 2006, Blogger Tracey, in MI said...

Tricia---- I recently returned from MOPS Convention- where field leaders were gifted your Book- Generation NeXt Parenting....

Thnx for writing and thanx for continuing to support MOPS;)



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