P is for Poser

I won't make my kids go to bed at 9:00 p.m.
I won't tell them what movies they can or can't watch.
I won't limit phone conversations.
I won't bug my kids about their homework.
Of course, as it turns out, I'm even more restrictive with my kids than my parents were with me. Not only do I do all of the above, I also make my kids consider all their actions in light of God's Word. (Which is an even bigger responsiblity!)
Sometimes it's hard for kids to remember that we don't have it all figured out. Feel free to share this with your kids ... if you dare.
What Parents Wish Their Teens Knew ... but are too afraid to tell them.
by Tricia Goyer
1. Sometimes I feel like a poser. I can't believe I have to be the responsible one.
2. Sometimes I feel guilty because I don't think I'm doing a very good job.
3. Sometimes I want to watch the same movies and TV that you do, even when I know it's not good. It's hard to "be the example."
4. Sometimes I give you a hard time about your relationships because memories of my old boyfriends still haunt me.
5. Sometimes I sign you up for activities just because I never had a chance to do them, but wish I did.
6. Sometimes I give you a hard time about your homework because I wish I would have tried harder in my own studies.
7. Sometimes I bug you about little things like your driving or goofing off because I did some pretty dumb stuff myself.
8. Sometimes I'd like to just throw up my hands and take a break. I keep going to show my love, even though sometimes it doesn't seem like it.
9. Sometimes I question my decisions. Okay, more than just sometimes.
10. Sometimes I forget to turn to God for help, even though I need Him most.
I know there are a lot of books out there that encourage parents to pray for teens, but today I'd like to ask teens to pray for parents. We need it!
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