The Sweet Agony of Parenting
I always tell people that I write parenting books, because I like to tell people what to do. That is only partly true :-) The MAIN reason I write them is because I want to let people know that there is no perfect parent . . . and there is no list of ten things we can do that will guarantee perfect kids. Don't we wish!
It's an easy thing to give people advice . . . to organize it and analyze it. Anyone can do that. But the harder part is agonizing
with others. To understand a parent's struggles, to listen, and to share my own.
Too many times we like to appear perfect in someone else's eyes. But perfection never helps anyone. In fact, instead of drawing people closer, it pushes them away. After all, who wants to hang out with perfection when it just makes our own mistakes even more obvious?
So what do I struggle with? Currently, it's trying to balance writing and parenting. I struggle with not getting frustrated when I'm working on my computer and one of my children wants to talk about things like computer games or which whale is biggest (which are current topics of choice).
It's also not getting frustrated when the words don't come fast and when the prose isn't perfect . . . so I can have more time to play (whatever that is). Or when I get the royalty statement and the $--or lack of--cause me to question why I'm spending so much time for so little financial return. (Yes to further God's kingdom, I know . . . but I'm being honest, right?)
The things you agonize over are different, but the emotions behind them are the same. So where does that leave us?
I can share with you. You can share with me. Sometimes we'll have suggestions. Other times we won't. But either way . . . I write parenting books because I care, and I want people to care for me. It's not about having all the answers . . . but by encouraging others to Whom to turn for
the Answer and being reminded of the same.
Babies as Bling?
I have many morning rituals that I like so well, I now know why God has allowed me to work from home. One of these includes my morning paper. Every morning I pour a cup of copy, a bowl of cereal, grab a piece of fruit, and open
The Daily Interlake--Serving the Flathhead Since 1889. I have to admit the opinion page isn't one of my favorites--since I mostly just like to read people's opinions that match my own. :-) But Ellen Goodman's column caught my eye, "Babies as bling? Parenthood, where is thy sting?"
Ms. Goodman quotes Barbara Dafoe Whitehead, co-director of the National Marriage Project who calls parenthood "a conspicuous source of anxiety and distress."
"Parenting, writes Whitehead, takes up a shorter amount of the expanding lifecycle these days, somewhere between a child-free youth and a child-free empty nest. So the culture that once though of adulthood and parenthood as synonymous no portrays child-raising as an unsatisfying timeout from fun."Is that the way you think? I don't!
Goodman, of course, ties in celebrity parenting and considers babies as the new bling.
"The difference between being a celebrity parent and a civilian parent is probably the difference between working at Wal-Mart and Warner Bros. The stars get nannies and trainers, the rest of us get diapers and stretch marks."
While this is partially true, I also feel that "babies are in" because they are
a living representation of Gen-X core values. We applaud stars who are taking time for family. Who are saying "no" to work projects to spend more time with kids. Or who have their kids on set with them, so they can spend as much time together as possible. Because in a smaller way, we are doing the same.
Once again, here's someone spouting their opinion with no concept of Gen-X core values. Of course, that's only my opinion . . . what do you think?
Parenting Rewards
Do you every have those days when you wished the "reward" of parenting were a little more "hands on"?
In elementary school we were rewarded with gold stars. In high school our hard work achieved A's and B's. Even in our jobs, our "harvest" consists of bi-monthly paychecks, vacation time, and bonuses at Christmas.
Yet what happens when our rewards for doing good as moms and dads seem to fall behind schedule? The paycheck never stretches far enough, and there is no red-penned "Good Work!" shimmering from atop a parenting progress report. We grow weary and discouraged.
We want a gold star!
The fact of the matter is, our reward for doing good isn't a matter "if", but "when." "For at the proper time we will reap a harvest," we read. And just what is proper?
Personal. Your time to shine as a parent isn't your friends' time, and vise versa. It's impossible to compare how God works in one life, verses how he works in another.
Relational. The proper time for your harvest is interconnected with God's plan for others (i.e. your children). Interconnected rewards result from interrelated lives.
Out of Sight. The harvest we reap isn't always visible, but it is often "immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine." (Ephesians 3:20)
Permanent. While we may reap the benefit of small harvests here on earth, our ultimate reward of our parenting is eternal life for our children--a gift that can never be snatch away.
Exact. Our God who designed the intricate and complex universe knows the precise time for you to reap your harvest as a parent.
Resolved. The "when" is determined and is waiting in God's hands. Now, it's your job to set your jaw in determination and continue on!
Let your imagine run wild for a moment. What is the ultimate harvest you can imagine concerning your good work as a parent? In what ways do you need to persevere to reach this goal? (Please comment, I want to hear!)
"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." (Galatians 6:9)
Guest Blogger: Gina Conroy
The Devil’s Play Thing?
PS 2, Nintendo, X-Box. Whatever you want to call it, I'm convinced it was sent here straight from the pit of Hell to torture moms.
I remember my first home video game. It was “tennis.” Two sticks with a ball that pinged back and forth across our small black and white screen. Then came Atari with space invaders and a host of other games I can’t seem to recall.
Those mesmerizing two dimensional boxy aliens marched across the screen, charging and firing. It was exciting trying not to get blown up before beating your high score. Not too much skill was involved in these games. Just good hand coordination and speed. So different from today’s three dimensional realistic video games that require multi-tasking maneuvers and strategy.
I remember enjoying game time, but I don’t think I was obsessed with playing them all day long like kids are today. Like my kids are.
Is it just my family, or do your kids turn into little monsters, fighting and jockeying for their game time?
My four year old daughter has just started playing with her three older brothers. That makes four kids arguing over the Nintendo. I've tried everything. I've limited their time playing by using a kitchen timer, but that sometimes sets me up for more trouble.
"Mom, he went over his time again!"
"Hey, give me that it's my turn."
Crash! Bang! Whine!
Then we moved the games into my oldest son's room.
"Mom, they're in my room again!"
"Yes, I know. I said they could play Nintendo."
"But there destroying the place..."
Slam! Bang! Whine!
"Mom, he locked me out of the room again."
Recently my son got the tv and games taken out of his room for not letting his brothers into his room. This has been an ongoing problem we haven't figured out how to solve yet. How can he have his privacy and keep the little ones from tearing up his room when the family game unit is in his room? Just take it out! Problem solved, somehow I don't think so. Well see.
How about the "mom, he's not letting me win!" whine. Or the "mom, he turned off the game" scuffle. Did I meniton I think these games are sent from the evil one?
During the school year our kids were not allowed to play the games during the week and only 30 minutes each day on the weekend. My kids thought I was sent from the evil one, especially when their friends played hours after school.
"Mom, so and so gets to play as long as he wants."
"I've talked to so and so's mom and that's not true."
"A different so and so says he feels sorry for me and that you're the meanest mom in the world."
Well, then I talked to some moms about this problem and learned that one mom made her children earn game time. As much as they practiced piano, they could play PS2. Guess what we're doing this summer?
One son is playing a lot of piano, the other is doing a lot of complaining.
"Mom, why do we always have to earn fun?"
"Do you have to earn time at the water park, the movies, sleepovers?"
"No." Head hung low in defeat.
Subtle grin of satisfaction on my face.
But I'm not a complete ogre. I often surprise them with free game time, especially when friends are over. Still, I'm thinking of putting the game systems away for a while. I did this once when the fighting and never ending question "when can we play PS2?" was driving me up a wall. I had a very peaceful few months without the kids asking to play.
I'm at that point again, ready to pack up the games. Just moments ago I heard arguing from up stairs, now all is quiet. It's one of those free game times, and I figure as long as they're quiet and happy I'll be able to type away. And those are the times I thank God for Nintendo. So, are these game systems sent from the evil one or a blessing from God?
I guess it all depends when you ask me!
Gina Conroy is a homeschooling writing mom of four. For more musings by this author, visit her blog
Portrait of a Writer...Interrupted.
Away at Camp
I've been looking forward to this week all month. My three kids are away at camp. Cory and Leslie are counselors. Nathan is a camper. I needed this time to work on my (as of today) past-deadline novel. Problem is . . . it's too quiet. Seriously!
Another problem is that I "have time to work" so little is getting done. Hmmm . . .
Final, and biggest problem, I miss my kids. And they only left yesterday!
Okay, things are getting serious. I have a book to write.
What do you think, should I ask the neighbor if I can borrow her kids for a while?
Guest Blogger...Allison Wilson
I don't have a lot of trust issues. I'm a realist when it comes to people. People will let you down. It's just how we're wired. We're not God and, therefore, are going to do dumb things, even hurtful things sometimes. That's not what I want to focus on today, though.
Trusting God. Trusting that He really does have the best in mind for me and mine.
See, this Friday (July 21st) we are going to watch as our little girl is put under anesthesia for dental work. She has four cavities that we know of and tried to bite the doc when he did the initial exam. I was pretty sure we'd have to do it with her under in order to make all our lives a little less stressed, but it's still a scary thing when your little one goes limp in your arms.
Last summer we went through a similar experience, but it was the first time. I can honestly say I thought I was prepared. God has laid it on my heart from the moment our children were born to pray over them in a certain way. It's a reminder that these precious ones are gifts from Him for a time. I don't know how much or how little time I'll have with them. The prayer asks for His watchful care over them and if He takes them home before they wake, that He be with me in the grief. I thought the years of praying this prepared me for watching my baby go to "sleep" before her MRI. Oh, little did I know.
Getting the IV into her arm wasn't a lot of fun. She's very strong for someone so little and it took all three of us (hubby, me and nurse) to hold her still enough. She looked at us with such hurt in her little eyes it broke my heart. But, as mommies around the world can tell you, we have to do what's best even if we don't like it. :-/ My husband carried her into the outer room of the MRI area where we both held her for the injection of the anesthesia. I watched as our little daughter went from crying to limp in a matter of seconds and my heart nearly stopped. It was as close as I pray I ever have to come to seeing the life drain out of her and it hurt my heart.
My husband and I stumbled to the waiting room where I sat praying like I've never prayed before. This was really a nothing procedure in the grand scheme of things which others undergo, but this was my baby. I prayed for strength. I prayed for peace. I prayed that I'd be okay with whatever the outcome turned out to be. I prayed for His arms to be wrapped around me as never before so I could get through this time. I couldn't read. I couldn't look around. All I had to cling to was my Daddy and He sustained me.
It all comes back to that. How much do we trust Him? With our very lives? Seems easy. With our daily existence? Maybe a little tougher. With each and every moment we draw breath? To tell us how we are to live each of those breaths? To guide us when it comes to decisions for our children? To show us what to say and do every moment?
I'm learning more and more as I walk down this path of life with Him. He's holding my hand and walking along most of the time. But on days like this coming Friday I know He will be carrying me. I won't have the strength to walk, but I trust Him to take me where I need to go.
Proverbs 3:5-8 - "Trust in the LORD with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the LORD and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your body And refreshment to your bones." NASU
In Christ,
Allison M. Wilson"Cease striving and know that I AM God..." Psalm 46:10
"If a matter is not serious enough to pray about, then it is not serious enough to worry about - and if it is serious enough to pray about, and we have prayed about it, then there is no need to worry about it." James E. Bibbons
Guest Blogger: Cara Putman

Today's Guest Blogger is Cara Putman. You can read Cara's blog at: Just typing the word makes me shudder.
It has so many connotations. Definition two in Webster’s Dictionary is: a) training that develops self-control, character or orderliness and efficiency b) strict control to enforce obedience.
I don’t know about you, but I certainly need more of a) in my life. And I have a feeling if I had more orderliness, control and efficiency in my life, then it would sprinkle into the second part of the definition.
Disciplining children. The more I watch my children and evaluate how best to mold their character and habits, the more I realize that it really all comes down to me. Am I willing to be consistent with the rules of our household? Am I going to consistently expect my children to be polite? Kind? Giving? Helpful? When I do, they live up to those expectations unless I have allowed us to get out of our routine.
Case in point. The kids and I literally just returned from a long weekend away. A cousin got married, so it was a great weekend with family. It was also absolute chaos schedule-wise. Actually, there was no schedule. And my kids suffered for it. By last night when we reached my best friend’s house on the last leg of our trip, they were exhausted. So exhausted they asked if we could go home so they could sleep. But not before there were manner lapses and hysterical crying fits.
I’ll be honest. It was embarrassing. I want my friends and family to believe my children are the most well-behaved, perfect children created. Last night, I had to extend the grace to acknowledge that the lapses in decorum were partly my fault for cramming so much into a few days. They were also the result of reality. Outside of my home, it’s hard to keep things the way we all like them.
As I sit here tonight after eleven hours in the car with children who didn’t complain, I know they are wonderful kids. I just have to give them the orderliness they need to keep them happy AND well-behaved.
More thoughts on writing and family . . .
Like many of you, I have a very busy life. I have three kids at home whom I homeschool, a grandma who lives with us, I volunteer at children's church every week, and mentor teen moms. My husband works full time (50+ hours a week), so I'm the one shuttling kids, grocery shopping, cleaning, cooking, paying bills, making doctor's appointments--basically running our lives.
I turn green when I hear about those writers who have a quiet office and treat writing like a day job--escaping between 9-5. Of course, that Oscar-the-Grouch-look only lasts for a minute or two because that's not what God has for me. He has a much different plan for my life and writing.
This means I go on with normal life, "playing" with my next book idea for a few months. Then, two months before deadline, I think "OH crap, I really need to start writing."
One month later, I think, "Man, I seriously need to get serious about this." Yes, so I write huge amounts of words and the house is totally thrashed, my kids have to cook their own meals, the bills eventually get off with only one or two late fees, and I don't leave the house except for church and those errands that never seem to go away.
So basically, if I had a year to write a book, life keep me busy until two months prior and my famous "OH crap" moment hits. So I schedule about four months between books . . . And why not?! It's a great excuse for not having to clean toilets!
In the end, does God work with this system. You bet. Actually, I feel closest to Him when I'm in this crunch moments and I depend on Him for my every breath. Will this writing system work for everyone? No way. But I do feel I'm giving my best to God and He's using me in amazing ways in all areas of my life.
So how about you? Do you feel God most when life is at its craziest???
If you aren't tired of my thoughts yet, be sure to check out
Today I'm in the midst of deadline, which means I feel like such a bad mom. I'm chained to my computer as my family does their own laundry, makes their own dinner, watchings movies together . . .
Yet, if this were the only problems I faced in life, I would be blessed. Life is hard. Work is hard, Raising kids is hard.
One of my favorite songs by Natalie Grant reminds me were to go when I need comfort in all the roles of my life. When I need to be held . . .
Booksigning Eye-Opener
Last Wednesday I had a chance to do a signing for my book Generation NeXt Parenting. No, the book isn't out yet, but Multnomah made up wonderful Chapter Samplers for me to sign.
The best thing was seeing the EXCITEMENT on the faces of Gen Xers as I told them about the book. Of course, then there were the Boomers who didn't seem impressed at all when I said, "It's a relational parenting book in which I share my struggles and point Gen X parents to hope in Christ." I could see the "huh?" on their faces.
Maybe it's a generational thing. Or maybe the Trans-Am t-shirt I was wearing!
Anyway, I recently discovered a great article titled
Generation gap shapes workplace choices. You can read it
here.So what do you think? In your daily life, how are you affected by generational differences?
Dropping the Ball
As moms we try to juggle it all, but sometimes we drop a ball or two. Since last Thursday I was in Denver, Colorado attending the International Christian Retail Show . . . and yes, I dropped the ball on this blog! Sorry about that, friends!
In a week's time, I attended a fiction retreat, spoke at two events, and signed my new books
Actually, GENERATION NEXT PARENTING isn't in print yet, but my wonderful publicist printed up sample chapters. Yeah!
While I was away, my three kids stayed with their grandparents and friends. It was fun dressing up and talking with editors, bookstore owners, and other writers. I loved signing books and seeing the excitement from readers . . . but nothing beats being home.
Since getting back, I've dug into the pile of laundry, cleaned out the frig, went grocery shopping, and made a nice dinner. Now, I'm sitting around watching Smallville with my kids . . . and this is exactly where I want to be.
Guest Blogger: Allison Wilson
Guest Blogger: Allison Wilson
I talked about first wanting two kids and then had my first who wore me out. We did everything conceivable short of surgeries to make sure we didn’t have more children. God had other ideas.
My daughter was born 6 ½ years after my first. I have to admit I sobbed when I found out I was pregnant because I had just started looking into going back to school for marriage and family counseling. Anyone who knows me knows that’s what I do, but don’t get paid for (smile). I had to quit college with my first and now a dream was breaking again. It took me a long time to get past the feelings of disappointment and into the joy of creating another life. God did it, not me.
Our little one, now not so little, is special in so many ways. She is on what’s called the Autism Spectrum. She doesn’t have Autism, but has many symptoms of it and other syndromes which lead to difficulties. She has a speech delay and currently only says about 25 words which a stranger could figure out.
On the other hand, she is EXTREMELY intelligent. Her memory is unbelievable. We found she liked to play with some cards from a book she had taken apart. There were about 28 or so in the stack and she would pick them up in the same order every time they were dropped. My husband got about 10 more cards, wrote down the order, and gave them to her. She played with them for about 5 minutes or so until we took them and scattered them on the floor. She picked every single one up in the exact order we had given them to her. We got up to 58 cards before we ran out of them, but she never missed a one. She was three.
She doesn’t get concepts. You can tell her something is hot or cold, but she doesn’t know what that means. She knows if she touches something that hurts her, but to put the label hot on it goes right over her head. She also has sensory integration disorder. She is UNDER sensitive to pain. She chews on things to get the same stimuli we do just from out surroundings. She prefers power cords which are plugged into the wall. She’ll chew all the way down to the bare wires in less than two minutes. I know. I found out the hard way.
I wouldn’t trade her for the world. She has gone from ignoring our very existence unless she needed something, to spontaneous hugs. She laughs and plays. She is mischievous and fun to watch.
I long for the day when she will say, “I love you, Mommy” without being prompted and just repeating it. I long for the day when she can tell me what she’s thinking and understand communication. That may never happen. My mommy’s heart breaks sometimes when I think about it.
But with all of this, I wouldn’t change anything. We have to rely so fully on God to tell us what steps to take next in dealing with the symptoms we face each day. Where should she go to school? How long until we move her from on Sunday School class into the next when her age group has moved up? What activities is she capable of being involved in with the family and understand? Who should be allowed to watch her? Heard a horrid story on the news of a child with an IQ of 50 being sexually abused by someone who was supposed to be helping her at school! I shudder to think of the world my daughter is going to be growing into.
My newest motto is “Though You slay me, yet will I trust You.” The actual quoted Scripture is Job 13:15 “Though He slay me, I will hope in Him. Nevertheless I will argue my ways before Him.” NASU
I have to let go of MY ideas of what life should be and focus on what HIS plan is for that day. This is not MY life to live. It is the life He’s given me and I have a purpose from Him for the living of it. For now, it’s being a mommy to someone who is so precious as to be entrusted only to me and my husband. The honor is overwhelming to say the least.
To learn more about Allison, go to:
Guest Blogger: Mary Byers
Opening God's Word (Excerpt from THE MOTHER LOAD)
by Mary Byers
Remember in grade school when you were asked to write a paper about a “historical figure”? I wrote mine about Susan B. Anthony, who played an important role in securing the right to vote for women. (I picked her because I was appalled that there had ever been a period in the history of this country when women couldn’t vote. The thought still makes me shake my head in sadness and disbelief !)
Because I knew little about Susan Anthony, part of completing my assignment meant a trip to the library to learn what I could about her. As I compiled facts and figures, a picture began to emerge. This picture formed my image and understanding of this complex woman, giving me great appreciation for the sacrifices she made so that I can cast my vote on election day.
We can apply the same principles of research to learn more about God, his Son, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. The Bible is one of our most effective methods of researching our faith. It paints a picture of our salvation, shares the stories of the early heroes of faith, reveals the nature of the Trinity, and provides excellent advice for dealing with life’s ups and downs.
I personally practice three different methods of Bible study.
The first is organized study, either alone or with others. This requires a Bible study guide—and the willingness to make time on my calendar to complete the work. Currently, I’m part of two women’s study groups. One meets once a month, and one meets every Monday morning during the school year. We study different topics throughout the year, all with the goal of knowing God more fully. In addition to studying with others, I usually have an independent study I’m working on. Group study allows me to benefit from the insights of others, while independent study allows me to focus on a topic that may only be of interest to me.
The second type of study I’m involved in is a reading study. This is where I select a book of the Bible to read from beginning to end. No study guide is required. I read, work to understand what I’ve read, and then try to draw practical applications for my daily life.
The third study I do is random study. I simply sit down with my Bible, set it on its edge, let it open randomly, and begin reading where the page falls open. Often, I’m blessed by the words I read, even though they were arbitrarily selected. Or were they? I believe that God often uses the seemingly random in our lives to get message to us. This method of study has been beneficial to me in the stormy, painful periods of my life when I’m gripped by desperation or fear and not mindful enough to be able to sit down and do a more methodical study.
Recently, I was feeling rather distant from God and lonely in my role as a mother. Bemoaning the fact that I was surrounded by people, yet still feeling alone, I let my Bible “randomly” fall open and began reading Psalm 139. Though the latter part of this psalm was familiar to me, the beginning was not. Here’s what I read in the midst of my loneliness:
Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast (verses 7-10).
As I read, my loneliness melted away. I’ve since committed this verse to memory so that it will be handy the next time I start feeling alone.
Though the Bible is static, the impact it has on readers is not. I can read the same passage during three different periods in my life—and get three different lessons out of it. Or I’ve seen different people in the same group benefit from the same message in different ways. That’s the power of the Word. It meets us where we are and provides what we need when we need it. The irony is that the book must be opened before its power can work for you.
If you’re not currently studying the Bible on a regular basis, find a time when you can spend a few minutes reading it. I started with a set amount of time one morning a week and have worked up from there. The important thing is that you get started. If you’ve never read the Bible before, I suggest starting with the Gospel of John in the New Testament. It’s a good place to get a glimpse of Jesus. Then, ask God for guidance on where to go from there.
© 2005 Mary M. Byers The contents on this page are copyrighted. Unlawful use of this content, without prior permission of both the copyright owner and/or the owner of this site, is illegal and punishable by law.
Mary Byers is a professional speaker and freelance writer. She’s a frequent media guest on women’s topics and is a former advertising director and senior level association manager. She lives with her husband and their two youngest children in Illinois.
Guest Blogger: Mary DeMuth
Gratitude ParentingFor so many years, I've parented out of my seeming lack. At the end of the day, I'd recount all my failures one by one . . . and the list was long. I'd fall asleep feeling inadequate and utterly inept as a parent.
Then I met Hud.
Hud McWilliams works with
our mission organization as its counselor. He's also a gifted teacher with lots of insights into personal growth. Several years ago at one of our staff conferences, he spoke about gratitude. His words revolutionized the way I view life and seeped into my parenting as well. What would life look like if I chose to be thankful and grateful instead of negative and self-blaming? Would it make a difference?
As a pioneer parent, I struggle often with my own lack, my own inability to get this parenting thing right, hence counting my failures every night. Slowly, over the past few years, I've been trying to wear gratitude. How has it affected me?
I am more careful to stop myself when I get in a self-condemning rut.
My husband is more aware of my cycle as well. I've given him permission to speak into my life when I'm getting really down about my parenting. This has helped tremendously.
I am more positive around my children. Because I'm learning to be grateful, they are learning as well because what is in my heart spills out onto the lives of my children. I am happier. I am better able to say and believe that I am a good mother. (This is a HUGE change for me.) Gratitude spills over into every area of my life: my marriage, my work, my relationships.
So tonight, before you go to bed, do some counting. But this time count your blessings. Thank God for all the great things He has done. Dare to thank Him for doing great things THROUGH you. Ask for help when you fail, but don't dwell on those. Simply be thankful for another day He's given you to breathe, love, bless, hope and laugh.
Check out more about Mary!
Mary E. DeMuth
Christ Follower. Novelist. Freelance Writer.
Building the Christian Family You Never Hadand
Watching the Tree Limbs: A Novel
When comes to kids, is 3 the new 2?
Today, while watching NBC's Today Show, they talked about "3 being the new 2" when it comes to having kids. Since I have three kids (with a baby from China on the horizon) . . . I took interest.
You can watch the video
As a side note, I talked to their expert, Stacy DeBroff, a few times on the phone last month when she interviewed me for my role as Expert Mom on
www.ClubMom.comWant to hear more from Stacy? Check out Mom Central at:
www.momcentral.comNow, what do you think of this report? Do you think 3 is the new 2? How do you think our Gen X values ties into this?