Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Life Coach

Yesterday, I had the opportunity for a free phone session with author and Life Coach Judy Baer. You can check out more about what she does here.

Anyway, a few days ago when I was WHINING about my crazy life, I'd totally forgotten about this appointment. And . . . it almost didn't happen.

You see, I booked this time with Judy over a month ago. Then, I realized that my son's basketball practice would be right in the middle of it. I was planning on canceling the session when Nathan woke up sick. I'm so sorry his tummy ached, but God knew I needed to talk to Judy.

Her questions were simple, and I won't go into all of them. (You need your own session, ha!) But she did get me thinking about what topics I'm most passionate about. And when I thought about my writing it came down to one message:

God places us in a unique time in history for HIS purposes. He will equip us as we seek Him. Then, as a result of following God, we will be blessed and our life with touch the others for God's kingdom.

THAT is what I'm passionate about. THAT is why I wanted to write Generation NeXt Parenting.

And THAT is what I'm going to filter all my writing ideas through--i.e. will this book fulfill by heart-passion????

So far (even though I didn't know it), all my books, including my novels have this thread to some degree.

So what about you. What is your heart-passion???


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