According to BabyCenter.com, these are the Top 10 Baby Names of 2005Girls
1 Emma
2 Emily
3 Madison
4 Kaitlyn
5 Sophia
6 Isabella
7 Olivia
8 Hannah
9 Makayla
10 Ava
1 Aidan
2 Jacob
3 Ethan
4 Nicholas
5 Matthew
6 Ryan
7 Tyler
8 Jack
9 Joshua
10 Andrew
Amazingly, my kids' name: Cory, Leslie, and Nathan don't make the top 25 names in their decade, but I do have a funny name story.
I had my son, Cory, when I was seventeen. When I was eighteen, I met and married a wonderful man named John Goyer. When Cory was five, John adopted Cory, making him Cory Goyer.
The weird thing is, John already had a nephew named Corey. It is his brother's oldest son. So there are two Cor(e)y Goyers who are first cousins and born two years apart! And . . . as of the last six months, they live in the same town--one works at Wal-Mart and the other at Target. It sure makes it easy to get their attention at family get togethers, or if you need help with the carts at any box store!

(A-MAZE-ING. On the left, Cory--no "e"--at the maze.)
Oh, one more thing. Until the DAY Cory was born, I'd planned on naming him Cory Aaron. I changed my mind as I filled out the birth certificate. It became Cory Joseph. Good thing too. John's other nephew, Corey's brother is Aaron!
I'm sure glad that God not only knows every one of our names, He also has some pretty awesome names for Himself, which you can check out here.
These are GREAT to discuss with your kids and study for yourself.
Here are a few to get you started:
EL: God "mighty, strong, prominent"
EL SHADDAI: God Almighty or "God All Sufficient."
JEHOVAH-SHALOM: "The Lord Our Peace"
JEHOVAH-SABAOTH: "The Lord of Hosts"
Now, doesn't that give you hope and strength for today. It is THAT God who we serve, and who loves us completely! Amazing!
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