I recently had an ariticle published in Focus on the Family.

The article about teaching responsibility to today's technology-savvy kids!
Here's an excerpt and a link to the rest of the article:
When I was in high school, Madonna sang about living in a material world. Today the lyrics would go something like this: "We are living in a digital world, and I am a digital mom."
In our family - with kids ages 12, 14 and 17 - IM (instant messaging), MySpace and Google are common terms. We have Game Boys, iPods, Xboxes and cell phones (with built-in cameras, of course).
Let's face it, wishing for Little House on the Prairie days won't change the fact we've been chosen by God to parent during this time in history - even if bonnets seem more family-friendly than Bluetooth earpieces. Yet we can guide our children through the minefields of today's technology - and grow closer for our efforts.
Know the dangers
Sometimes it's hard to fully understand the threats that lie beyond the click of a mouse. According to the attorney general's Commission on Pornography, the largest group of viewers of Internet porn is children between ages 12 and 17.
And while the thought of our children viewing those images is scary, another danger is online predators. Nearly 80 per cent of teens say they aren't careful enough when giving out information about themselves online.
The first thing parents must do is educate their kids about the potential dangers of technology. Kids need to understand people can pretend to be friendly in order to satisfy selfish and dangerous urges. children, focus on the family, responsibility, technology savvy
His faithful servants...

One thing about Gen Xers is that we often have splintered family relationships. Personally I have a mom, a biological dad I didn’t know until I was 27, and three step-dads, the second of which raised me.
Of course, you can imagine the half-siblings, distant cousins, and other new family members that are thrown into the mix.
Well, a few weeks ago I was able to meet my grandpa for the first time. This is my real, paternal grandfather. His blood pumps through my veins.
With my grandfather also came stories of my heritage of my great-grandfather, great-great grandfathers . . . and on.
One thing that I found was amazing was that I discovered I came through a whole line of missionaries and church planters—men and women who loved God with all their heart.
It’s taken me a few weeks for this to sink in. It also made me realize God’s promises are true. God is with the children, grandchildren, and great-great children of His faithful servants. God found me, used me, worked through me … even when I didn’t even know this heritage. God had answered their prayers even when they couldn’t imagine me … and even when I didn’t know they existed.
Pretty amazing, don’t you think?!
Labels: church planters, generation x, god, grandfathers, heritage, missionaries, parents
Guest Blogger...Gina Conroy
Breaking Up Ain't Hard to Do
Okay, why is it that I'm not at all shocked any more when I hear of yet another well respected Godly couple calling it quits or separating?
Last time it was good friends of ours. The husband left his wife and two kids without any warning. He just didn't want to be married any more. My husband tried repeatedly to be a friend to him, but there was always an excuse why he couldn't get together for lunch.
Now it's a homeschool mom of three girls, raised in a Godly family and married to her college sweetheart who's left her family. I'm surprised, but not shocked and that's frightening.
It tells me that more and more people I know and respect are splitting up. Couples who I thought had a better/stronger marriage relationship than me and my hubby are now calling it quits. It's crazy! By all appearances I probably should have been divorced, oh fifteen years ago, but we made a commitment to each other and no matter how tough it gets, we're willing to work through it. Yes, mostly for the children's sake, but also because I believe that our union was orchestrated by God, though at times it's hard to understand what in the world God was thinking when he put us together. :)
But that's another story for another day!
Still, I know that we're together because we really need each other. Yes, I'm pretty stubborn about a lot of things and my baggage usually gets in the way of learning my lessons, but I'm not quitting. No matter how long it takes me to graduate.
I'm a product of divorce and never want my children to experience that. Even though ours is a dysfunctional family of sorts, we're still a committed family. That's why I can't understand what pushes these people to the edge. Why they leave their children and families?
Well, maybe I can understand. I've felt hopelessness and despair, but instead of withdrawing or running to someone else for comfort, I cried out to God. Instead of focusing on myself and the moment, I've tried to grasp the big picture and how my actions would affect the whole family.
Maybe it's not for me to understand. I probably never will. But one thing I can do is pray.
Will you pray also for these marriages and for the ones that are on the brink of destruction?
Gina Conroy
Portrait of a Writer...Interrupted: Writer...Interrupted:
http://writerinterrupted.ginaconroy.comAnytime Prayers for Everyday Moms-- Available now!
Carnival of Christian Writers: breaking up, children, divorce, family, gina conroy, husbands and wives, marriage, prayer
Miracle of Life...

Recently I read a book by John Fischer called
Confessions of a Caffeinated Christian. In it he talks about the miracle of each life. Now, as a volunteer for a Crisis Pregnancy Center, and as a mom, you’d think I’d get this by now. But have you REALLY thought about it? Each person … each and every one … is someone we can look at with amazement. See those numerous faces, we can run up to them, take their face in our hands and exclaimed, “God wanted you to live! Here, now … YOU.”
I was reading this book as I was staying in Los Vegas. Our hotel was right on the strip and every time I ventured out of my room I got an eyeful of flesh, so for the first few days I found myself staring at my feet as I strolled along. Then, taking John Fischer’s words to heart, I started looking at the faces of those in the crowd—the gamblers, the party girls, the hotel maids … God chose YOU to live, I’d think as I offered a smile and a prayer. This has been HUGE to me. And it’s given me an amazing love for my generation. words do you think God is speaking to our generation? Why do you think we require God now more than ever?
Labels: babies, generation, god, john fischer, las vegas, miracles
Guest Blogger...Cara Putnam

We Can't Go It Alone!
I’m less than two weeks from the Indianapolis mini-marathon. I’m pretty excited overall, but I have to admit that there are times when I’m running eight or nine miles and I wonder why on earth I thought this was a good idea.
Last week I was visiting family, but had to keep those miles going. It’s amazing how motivating a deadline can be. I needed to get in a long fun – nine miles – so I went to the local park where I knew the loop was one mile. It’s a nice park. There are even lots of animals that you can look at – almost a mini zoo. The sun felt good, a stiff breeze was blowing. All in all not a bad day for a run.
But after five miles, I started trying to talk myself out of it. I don’t really need to run nine miles. Six should be plenty. How much can it hurt me on race day. All I care about is finishing not a set time.
I’d almost talked myself out of running.
Then I heard a jingle, jangle behind me. I stiffened, unsure what or who was coming up behind me.
“Thought I’d run a mile or two with you.”
I looked over my shoulder to see my dad. That next mile and a quarter until he got called away flew. We talked and it really didn’t feel like work. And the steps before he joined me plodded.
When he had to leave, I only had two miles to go. I can talk myself through that.
It was a great reminder. When we get worn down by life’s tedium or trials, bring someone alongside you. The journey feels so much shorter and more doable when you’re traveling with a companion.
Labels: companionship, marathon training
Going Back...

Sometimes I go back and read my own books. When I do, I’m often amazed. You see even as the author, God uses those books to remind me of His messages to my heart. I wish I could carry every whispered truth of God in the forefront of my mind, but I can’t. The books, in print and very readable (unlike some of my random journal entries), are a good reminder.
On page 16-17 of Generation NeXt Parenting, it says:
"Here’s my take on it: God placed us parents in this time in history because no matter how bright, or skilled, or committed we are (and our generation is all of these things), achieving success as parents means requiring His involvement in our daily lives.
"Although I would never directly credit one of my favorite ’80s singers, Cyndi Lauper, with drawing me closer to God, I do imagine the chorus from her song “Time After Time” as words God might use to speak to our generation.
"God was aware of the vicious cycles we’d face. He understood we’d be overwhelmed and in need of direction. He knew, as Lauper sings, that we’d sometimes be lost and sometimes feel like we’re falling. He also realized that in order for us to be all we can and to raise children who serve Him, we would be required to seek and depend on Him. We would require Him … time after time.
"After all, being a generation of parents in a high-speed and morally confused world doesn’t allow for anything less."
Do you believe God has determined the set times for each of us, and the exact places where we should live? How do you think living in this time and place has required you see Him? What things overwhelm you most about living in this day and age?
What did your parents do right????

My friend Sandra is having a drawing for a
FREE copy of my book, Generation NeXt Parenting. You can check it out here: the contest she came up with something VERY creative. To be entered, she asked readers to answer this:
Post a short anecdote about something one or both of your parents did right.
So what DID your parents do right?
I'd love to hear ... and be sure to let Sandra know too for your chance to win!
The same can be said for parenting...

If you've worked with people for any length of time you'll come across those difficult cases. You know, the ones that refuse to be fixed. You talk to them, pray for them, tell them about God ... and they don't seem to change. You feel like a failure.
One thing that helped me SO much when it comes to reaching out is realizing that Jesus taught thousands and thousands and only a small percentage of them believed. Jesus gave a message to all who would listened, but only a few were truly transformed ... or at least in the beginning. (Who knows how those seeds later took root?!)
Yet, Jesus kept his eyes open for those whose hearts were ready. We too must connect with the seekers. Remember Zacchaeus? Jesus saw the "wee little man" in the tree and knew he was ready. Who is in the tree in your life ready to hear the good news you have to share?
Once Jesus shared the truth and a new believer accepted it, Jesus brought him/her closer. He shared more, and in some cases he mentored them.
All we can do is the same.
Labels: change, god, jesus, mentoring, message, reaching out, transformation
Guest Blogger...Cara Putnam

Gender Matters?
If you have kids, you’ve probably noticed that there seem to be innate differences between girls and boys.
Boys (at least mine and my nephews) are simply more physical. Let’s slug each other. Tackle each other. Knock the wind out of each other. All in love of course.
Girls are into frills, dolls, quiet play. At least most of the time.
But how do those differences play into education? There’s a really interesting sight that talks about some of those basic differences. At Dr. Lenoard Sax, a family physician and Ph.D. psychologist, elaborates on why boys and girls behave differently in school.
Some of the highlights:
Boys don’t hear sounds (or register them) at the same decibels that girls do.
Boys do math better standing up…hmmm, maybe that explains why they get so restless if required to sit in a chair for hours on end. Come to think of it, my six year old daughter has some of the same ants in her pants syndrome at times.
Boys respond better if the temperature is six degrees cooler than girls. So when I tell my son to put on a jacket and he strips it off the moment it steps out the door it may actually be because he’s warm and not disobedient. Who can play when they’re roasting?
Anyway, I think these ideas are interesting. I’m going to check out his book, Why Gender Matters, and see what other insights I can glean into helping my son and my daughter become everything God placed them here to be – in their own unique ways.
So what gender differences have you noticed in the children around you?
Labels: behaviors, boys, education, gender defferences, girls
Special Does as Special Is

Growing up, I always knew I was special. This was to the credit of three very important people in my life: my mother, my grandma and my grandpa. I knew it because they told me so. I used to be able to draw really well (at least for a kid), and they never let me forget that. I read a lot, too, and they always told me how smart I was.
There were a lot of things I wasn’t good at, of course. I was chubby and had horribly crooked teeth. Also, we were poor, and nice clothes just weren’t an option. In 6th grade I was told I needed glasses. I did need them, badly, but I hardly wore them. Because in the world’s eyes looks are everything, and I was unfortunate enough as it was.
Still, I may not have looked the greatest, but I always knew that I could accomplish whatever I set my mind, too. My grandma always told me I needed to design my own line of greeting cards. That was a worthy goal, I thought. (At the time, neither of us realized how wordy I truly was.)
The amazing thing is that my birth (my life) could have been easily despised. My mom was a single mom, and I was conceived from a college fling. It was short-lived, but serious enough to create me.
Back in the early 70s, people didn’t talk as openly as sex and relationships as they do now. My mother never told my grandparents who had gotten her pregnant and they never asked. And my biological dad didn’t even know about me until I was married and had three kids of my own. I, of course, grew up with a lot of questions about where I came from, but I never questioned my worth.
Somehow, even after I became a single mom myself (I had my son at 17), after I married, and after I had two more kids the idea that I was destined to do great things still hung around somewhere in the back of my mind. It was a seed planted, and one that took root. The plant was slow growing, and the flowers of special things took many, many years to bloom, but I never doubted they would.
This makes me think of my own kids. (And your little ones, too) As a parent, it’s our job—of course—to train them up. It’s up to us to point out their mistakes and help them grow and change. But more than that, it’s also our job to plant the same seeds of worthiness that my mother, my grandma and grandpa placed in me. They focused on what was most important—my heart, my talents, my gifts—and they never let me forget that I could do anything I set my mind to.
I talk to my kids about how great they are, but not often enough, I think. This is something I’m going to work on. I need to remind myself these are seeds of worth that will grow in their hearts and minds, no matter how cruel this world may be.
They are special, because God made them so. He gave them unique talents and gifts with an idea in mind of how He’ll use them to further His kingdom and bring glory to His name. I don’t know about you, but I’m going to remind my kids about this, frequently and with conviction.
After all, even if they may not understand these words when they’re young, or they may roll their eyes when they get older, but deep down they’ll know it’s true. And deep down the seeds of great things will be planted because of you.
Labels: being special, god, grandparents, growing up, parenting, raising kids, sex, single moms
Permission to ignore...

While researching for Generation NeXt Parenting I realized that there are a flood of books out there telling parents how to
best parent their children. Some of those books are great, ( I confess I even used some of them raising my three (fabulous) kids); and some of the books are, well...just plain silly.
But with so many voices shouting out that their way is the BEST, how do know which voice to listen to? I wandered if other parent's also felt bombarded by the vast amount of parenting advice? Here are some of their answers:
Tiffany: I used to but then I decided that I was only going to listen to certain voices and none of those parenting magazines on the news stands. I'm in it for the long haul, not fad parenting so I go to the word of God and I pray and then go to a book if I need more help.
Shannon: There is certainly a world of advice out there! It's a little disconcerting, especially when much of the advice contradicts. It's always a fear that you'll follow the "wrong" advice to the detriment of your kids. Just look at the changes in handling infants in regards to SIDS. What was "right" even when my 8 yr. old was a baby was changed by the time I had my second child and now, 4 years later, it has changed again. And certainly matters of discipline, character, and faith are even more confusing! I'm realizing more and more that the correct book to go to is the "Good Book" and take all the parenting advice of the world based on that. Does it agree or contradict God's word? Does it come from a godly source and is it the best I can do for my child? Beyond that, it really takes me to a closer relationship with God to both listen and let go through prayer.
Robin: No I don't feel bombarded. I'm the type of person that can tune out and ignore what I don't use!
Rene: I feel very bombarded, but I also have a pretty good filter. I read a lot of parenting magazines, and I am able to pick and choose what works for me. I know enough to say things like, "That would never work with my kid."
Michelle: There is so much parenting advice out there that it is overwhelming and often conflicting. Most often the parenting advice and books that I read do little to change me as a parent but rather just consume me with guilt and shame not only because I am not the parent I am supposed to be but also because I will most likely never become one. I also find that most advice out there lacks practical ways to apply it to my family.
Kristy: Yes, I get overwhelmed. Sometimes I feel like a failure, but most of the time I take it all in stride and just tuck it away for future reference. You never know when it's something you might want to use in a different stage of life.
Julie: Overwhelmed and inadequate. Nothing in life is easy and everything around us suggests that we should, could and must...But parenting is a blessed gift and so unique to each parent and child. Parenting without prayer must feel so hopeless and frustrating. For me it is life-saving and life-altering.
Jenn: Yes, DEFINITELY...and much of it I've never asked for! All this advice has the ability to make me feel insecure as a parent; however, I try to make a conscious decision to not let it bother me. I have to wonder if the older generation thinks we're clueless or something. Okay, my son will be chomping on his hand and drooling up a storm, and someone will look at me and try to clue me in, "He's teething...he needs..." I don't understand why they need to patronize us! It's so frustrating; we're not stupid! Maybe we do some things differently, but that's our choice.
Jeanette: Yes, although I am more discerning than I used to be, as far as who I choose to listen to. If advice doesn't line up with Scripture I ignore it. But even advice from Christians can be overwhelming and there is so much out there. They all seem to have God's answer for how I should raise my kids. So my first response is not to read any of it unless a trusted friend says, "Oh, you have to read this. It helped me so much!."
Cheryl: I felt bombarded with advice with my first born. It really made me feel irritated because I felt like people thought my brain was delivered somewhere between the baby and the placenta. They were telling me things that I educate parents on everyday in my job as an obstetrical/neonatal/pediatric nurse.
I changed my tune when I got home alone with that baby crying in the middle of the night and I couldn’t fin the chapter in the baby books that told me what was making my baby have a high speed come-apart. I am much more humble about it now. And better at perceiving what my children need at any given moment. I know that it usually won’t be the same thing or each child. Just learning to know them as individuals and discovering who God designed them to be and making sure I don’t shut that down in them, is a full time job.
I found out that giving advice to parents prior to having children did not make me much of an authority. It’s amazing how the older I get the more intelligent my parents seem. LOL.
Carole: I have always been good at never over reading the parenting books and magazines. It has been important for me to narrow down authors who have the same ideas on parenting as I do. I know when you read too many articles or books on what the "good" parent should be doing it makes you feel guilty, it is hard to remind yourself that there will always be someone better than everything, parenting, cooking, cleaning, you can never be the best at it all.
Cara: There is an immense amount of material out there. I have to be selective about what I take in, so I stick to the tried and true for the most part: Dr. Dobson, The Raineys, Dr. Leman. Most of the time I find all the advice helpful, but I have to remind myself that my children are individuals and not to cram them into a box. There is freedom when I can take the principles and see what works for us.
Bill: (Laughs) No I don't feel bombarded. Because kids do something different everyday.
I heed what I feel is pertinent and weed out (toss out) the rest. What works for one child within their family dynamic might not work for a different child in a different family.
So how do you filter out the voices of parenting do's and dont's?
Labels: parenting advice
Test your knowledge...

Here's a great diversion...
Guest Blogger...Cara Putnam

Waxing Thoughtful
Have you ever been in one of those places? You know the ones. You don't necessarily like your outlook, but you can't figure out how you got there and why you're there. I'm in the middle of one of those slumps right now. It's been two and a half months since my miscarriage, and it amazes me just how much I can be caught by surprise by the emotions.
Blindsided is more like it.
I will be absolutely fine. Counting my blessing. Enjoying the sunshine (okay, so that was last week before the cold snap hit Indiana. When was the last time you had snow the day before Easter?!?!?). And then -- WHAM!!! I'm in a funk.
Right now, it's happening when I learn that friends are pregnant with due dates very close to what mine was supposed to be. I have never appreciated how painful it is to truly want to rejoice with someone while your heart is breaking. Again. And then there's the expectation that I should be over this. If you haven't had a miscarriage, I am so happy for you. That is such a blessing. But one thing I have learned is how common miscarriages are and how lasting the impact is (estimates range in the 10-20% range for miscarriage after a recognized pregnancy).
Yet women I know and respect tear up when they tell me about their miscarriage. And many of these happened ten, twenty, even thirty years ago. It can be an amazingly lonely experience, too. I have had more people ask me how I was doing after my grandfather and grandmother died, than after this loss. The result? It feels like the expectation is to shove the pain down, stoically ignore it, and move on. I can't. Because I am committed to working through this process.
One book that has helped me in this might surprise you. It's Beth Moore's new one:
Get out of the Pit. Now, I got the book because I have learned so much through her Bible studies and a couple friends recommended it.
Now I don't think of myself as a pit dweller. God has protected me from so much in my life. And I have been blessed beyond measure. But one of the pits that Beth talks about is the pit you're pushed into. Think Joseph being sold into slavery by his brothers. He didn't do anything to deserve that, but still found himself in a strange country as a slave rather than a favored son.
Can you imagine all the questions running through his mind? Repeat them with me: Why God? It isn't fair! I didn't do anything to deserve this! Do you still see me? Do you still care? What did I do wrong? I don't understand. I trust You but it really hurts right now.
So I am clinging to Genesis 50:19-20 right now. In that passage, Joseph tells his brothers: "Don't be afraid. Am I in the place of God? You intended to harm me, but God intended for good to accomplish what is now being done..."
What has been painful, even excruciating, can still be used by God. Couple it with Jeremiah 29:11, and I can rest in the fact that even though I can't see the reason behind -- and might not until heaven -- I can know that God intends even this only for my good, hope and future.
Labels: beth moore, cara putnam, loss, miscarriage, mourning
Parenting Resources...
Parenting Speaker, Author and Educator Brenda Nixon now has four new 1-hour audio CDs:
"Creative Discipline" (8 ways to get kids to mind without shouting or yelling)
"Finally, No More Diapers" (success potty training)
"Understand Your Child's Temperament" (insight to improve parent/child relationships)
"Ages & Stages of Early Development: the Preschool Years" (fun review of 3-5 year olds)
Each CD makes a valuable tool for parents, grandparents, childcare providers or educators!
To find out more information and how to purchase these CDs, visit Brenda at her
Labels: brenda nixon, parenting resources
It's My Anniversary!
I wonder how many 35-year-olds can say they've been with their spouse half their life? On April 7, I will be married 17 years. John and I started dating when I was 17. (It's not my b-day. I was actually born 7-17-1971.)
This is highly unusual (not that I'll be 35, but that I've been married for 17 years). I think there are a few factors. But before I get to that, I have to say my marriage was NOT without struggle. I was a teen mom and had a baby when I married. (I didn't marry the father of my baby.) My parents had a difficult marriage, and I had no good role model. The first years were hard.
Also, I haven't gone through my marriage without temptation. In fact, last year my first boyfriend contacted me. He found my name on He told me he'd been thinking about me for 20 years. He named his daughter after me. He said he loved me. He said we were soulmates, etc. My emotions were out of control.
It was exactly what I wanted to hear (it is flattering) ... but not what I needed at all. I told my Christian friends. I told my husband. I needed accountability, and I made them keep me accountable. I broke off communication, and every day for a year I was tempted to contact him. (Was he still thinking about me?) BUT I decided to stay committed to my husband.
I longed for an undivided heart. I worked (even more) on my marriage. My husband and I started reading a chapter of a marriage book EVERY DAY. We started reading our Bible and praying together. And we opened up lines of communication. Soon my emotions for the old flame faded and my love for my husband grew and grew. Yet, I have so many friends who've gone the other way ... only to find they aren't happy with the 2nd guy, or 3rd and more than they were with the 1st.
Recently the New York Times had a report that stated that more women are single than married. Here are some reasons why I think more women are single:
1. Gen Xers grew up with divorce. We know how painful it was being shuttled from mom and dad and having to chose sides. We think that by marrying later we will marry smarter. Or if we just live with a guy and break up that it's not the same as being divorced. Because of our pain, we don't give ourselves completely to another person.
2. Also, women today think that EMOTIONS rule. We are angry, we want out. We are depressed, so we deserve better. We feel attraction and desire for someone else and think we must follow it. We have set our emotions on a throne above all else and live our lives by how we FEEL.
3. When we don't have certain needs that are met, we search for some way to fill them. Like other men. Of course, when that doesn't work, we usually find ourselves alone again.
I've spent the last few years of researching this generation and finding out what makes us tick. These are few of the things I've found. Of course, you may not agree! I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Labels: dating, faithfulness, generation x, marriage, women
Guest Blogger...Gina Conroy
Is it In Your Nature to Nurture?

I was a bit surprised by
this article about a mom who openly admits she's bored with her children. After reading the article it's obvious to me how this mom lacks a nurture gene and is solely focused on herself and her needs and desires. If you don't believe me, go read it for yourself.
This got me thinking. Most times I feel I lack the nurture gene, and yes, I admit I feel like this woman at times. Bored of playing with toys and dolls, aggravated by the never ending kiddie board game, and frustrated by driving my kids all over town.
I'm not one of those moms who love to play with her children for the simple fact that I'm a type A personality, a Choleric/Melancholy who sees so much to do around the house, that playing a game often feels like wasting time. But it's not! It's all about molding the little minds and hearts God has given me and training them up in the way they should go. How can I possibly do that if I don't spend time with them in their world?
This article was convicting for me. It made me want to spend more time playing with my kids and less time doing "stuff". And I'm going to try and play with my children more, not just sit and watch them. I'm going to pull out the board games and get down on my hands and knees. I'm going to sit and color or play Star Wars, if they want me to because this life isn't about what I can get out of it, it's what God wants to me give to others, starting with my children.
Gina Conroy is founder of
Writer...Interrupted and a homeschooling mom to four. She writes about her experiences trying to balance it all at
Portrait of a Writer...Interrupted.Labels: child's play, gina conroy, mothering, nurture, parenting
Generation NeXt Parenting Bible study...

Starting this week, I'm going to be leading a Bible Study on Generation NeXt Parenting on
It's part of the Bible Babes Bible Study Group.
We will read one chapter a week and the go over the Scripture verses and discussion questions. Each week we will talk about parenting in light of Scripture.
The book is not about "how to parent," but "how to turn to God as a parent" during this time in history.
Labels: bible study,, generation x
How do You Handle This?

We’re in the middle of one of those parenting challenges. The ones where you shake your head and send up non-stop prayers. Or as my husband said, “Are you ready to move?”
Unfortunately, in today’s world, I’m not sure where we could move to protect our kids. And the reality is that today’s world is very different from the world my grandparents grew up in and even changed from the times of my childhood.
All I want to do is shelter my children from ideas and things they aren’t ready to process. I don’t want to have to explain to my daughter why someone can’t really have two mommies. Or why we don’t endorse that. Or why it’s really no different than other sins, but still grieves the heart of God.
I would love to just avoid the issue, but I can’t. The little girl next door is Abigail’s age and they enjoy each other. But someday we’ll have to decide about sleep-overs, etc. It’s just hard.
So today, I would really love to hear how you handle worldview collisions. How do you balance the truth of God’s Word with the reality of today’s world? How do you train your children to understand what you believe and why without it tripping over into teaching them to judge others? I hope you can see how deeply I am agonizing over this. Because at the end of the day I want to handle this parenting challenge in a way that honors God and protects my children.
Labels: cara putnam, child rearing, culture, god, parenting
Who's Your 80s Heartthrob????

I have a 101 things to do. I'm leaving for Seattle tomorrow. My kids are leaving on a missions trip while we're gone, and my desk has two weeks worth of mail I have to go through. (Yes, the bills must be paid.)
THEN, there is an Italian director from Italy who wants me to mail him a copy of my latest novel, A Valley of Betrayal. (YEAH!) Oh, and I just got an email from my editor stating that a publishing house is taking one of my ideas to committee next week, but they need more info from me. Not a problemo!
Then, innocently checking my email from my assistant, I came across this quiz. If it was anything but from the 80s (and mentioned the word heartthrob) I would have passed it up.
So who is my 80s heartthrob??
Your 80s Heartthrob Is

Kirk Cameron
I totally laughed. I've met Kirk TWICE. Once I was innocently standing in line at a cafe in Orlando (during a major book convention) when I felt someone tap my shoulder. It was just Kirk giving me a track and introducing himself. Awesome. He's WAY cuter in person I'll add!
The second time I was signing books at a book convention in Denver. Kirk was signing with his mom right across the aisle. During our signings someone started going CRAZY over Kirk's mom. She must have been an old friend or something. Well, I just casually mentioned, "Wow, no one ever does that for me."
Bless her heart, this lady from DaySpring Cards starts going crazy, "Oh my gosh, it's Tricia Goyer. I can't believe it's TRICIA GOYER!!!!!!!!" She was jumping and screaming. And I couldn't stop laughing!
Not to be out done ... Kirk started screaming and jumping all excited, then he jumped into his bodyguards arms. It just made my week!
All that to say, these quiz things are genious!
Labels: book signing, heartthrob, kirk cameron, the 80's