And the winners are...
Drum Roll Please!The FIRST PLACE WINNER of the "Love GenX Style" win a date with your spouse contest is:Love GenX Style Contest entry #14 Cassie L!!!!!!!!!!
the five runner's up are:
Joy M: Love GenX Style Contest entry #1 Rebecca: Love GenX Style Contest entry #21Laura P: Love GenX Style Contest entry #6 Vickie M: Love GenX Style Contest entry #25Danielle S: Love GenX Style Contest entry #10 They won a copy of Joanna Weaver's With This Ring!Congratulations and thank you ALL heaps for your participation and for sharing your stories with us!
****Winners, please send your mailing addresses to my trusty assistant Amy! (
Oh, and here's a fun quiz that
Jeanette made up for her blog tour post! I love it!
You may be wondering, who falls under the category of Gen X? Take this quiz to find out if it includes you.
1. True or False: It bother you that “oldies” radio stations play songs from the ’80.
2. When you hear songs by Journey, REO Speedwagon, Duran Duran, The Thompson Twins, and Pat Benatar in the grocery store, you . . .
A) Have no idea who is singing
B) Assume you are hearing a new (and rather annoying) song
C) Have flashbacks to your junior prom
D) Fight the urge to sing along
E) Either C or D
3. As a teen, your morning routine required at least 30 minutes dedicated to:
A) Working out
B) Your quiet time
C) Cramming for that day’s test
D) Increasing the height of your bangs
4. At least one adult compared your favorite earrings to:
A) Delicate jewels
B) Just like Grandma’s
C) Something a heathen would wear
D) Fishing lures
5. You knew one or more guys in high school who (choose at least 3):
o Burned his AC/DC albums in junior high because if you played them backwards you could hear satanic lyrics
o Wore eye liner
o Had spiked hair (at least 4 inches high, preferably dyed)
o Made fun of the “punkers” and “wavers” with the eye liner and spiked hair
o Had a Mohawk
o Belted out the lyrics to a certain Journey song whenever he passed a girl named Sherry
6. You can admit to owning at least 2 of the following items as a teen:
o Legwarmers (in various colors)
o A Velcro wallet
o A Gunne Sax dress
o An Esprit sweatshirt (with the word ESPRIT proudly plastered across your chest)
o The soundtrack to Flashdance, Pretty in Pink, Purple Rain, and/or The Breakfast Club
o Candies sneakers
o A Swatch Watch
o Several issues of Tiger Beat magazine
7. True or False: You couldn’t understand why John Houghs movies never received Oscar nods
Leave your answers below for a chance to win a copy of Generation NeXt Parenting: The Savvy Parent's Guide to Getting It Right!Stop Lurking! Every week I will draw names for a free Tricia Goyer book from those who comment on my blogs. Winner's choice! Tell your friends.
Guest Blogger...Cara Putman

I ran with Tricia's questions from the post on
It's Real Life...
Here we go!
• What is your occupation? Writer, Lecturer, Attorney, and Mom
• What color are your socks right now? White
• What are you listening to right now? Point of Grace, Faith, Hope & Love
• What was the last thing that you ate? Oatmeal :-)
• Can you drive a stick shift? Yes
• If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Purple
• Last person you spoke to on the phone? Eric
• Do you like the person who sent this to you? Absolutely!
• How old are you today? 34
• Favorite drink? Dr Pepper or good Sweet Tea
• What is your favorite sport to watch? Football: Huskers or Colts
• Have you ever dyed your hair? Hmm ... just highlights :-)
• Pets? 1 dog, 1 cat, fish
• Favorite food? Italian
• Last movie you watched? Facing the Giants with kids
• Favorite Day of the year? My birthday
• What was your favorite toy as a child? Strawberry Shortcake dolls
• What is your favorite season? Summer!
• Hugs or kisses? Hugs from everyone, kisses from husband and kids
• Cherry or Blueberry? Blueberry
• When was the last time you cried? Yesterday. Can’t wait to have this baby!
• What is on the floor of your closet? Shoes, clothes that need to be put away, Christmas trees to take to the attic.
• Favorite smells? Flowers
• Who inspires you? My kids, my mom, Eric, Jesus
• What are you afraid of? Not having the right priorities
• Plain, cheese or spicy hamburgers? Cheese
• Favorite car? My Pacifica but I love the new Chrysler sports car for someday in the future that doesn’t include car seats or boosters.
• Favorite cat breed? Midnight – the world’s friendliest cat
• Number of keys on your key ring? Too many!
• How many years at your current job? Writing: 3 years, Teaching: 6 years off and on, attorney: 7 years
• Favorite day of the week? Sunday
• How many states have you lived in? 5
• Do you think you're funny? Not really, my brother says I was born without a funny bone, but I think it’s slowly developing LOL
Cara C. Putman
http://www.caraputman.comCraftie Ladies of Suspense
http://ladiesofsuspense.blogspot.comStop Lurking! Every week I will draw names for a free Tricia Goyer book from those who comment on my blogs. Winner's choice! Tell your friends.
OHMYGOSH! Thank you...
A huge THANK YOU to everyone who participated in the
Generation NeXt Marriage blog tour. Your enthusiasm and transparency has truly blessed, not only myself, but scores of others who've read and commented on your blog posts and on
the stories that you've shared during the contest.
Wow. I'll be announcing the Love GenX Style date-with-your-spouse winner tomorrow as well as who will be receiving
With This Ring by
Joanna Weaver!

And now I have to share a little about the
Meghan Rose series!
Do you yearn for a Christian based fiction book geared for younger elementary children?
This new series from Standard Publishing introduces Meghan Rose, the bounciest first-grader in the world! Young readers will share Meghan’s adventures, laugh, and learn important life lessons. Each title also includes a bonus section with discussion starters and fun activity ideas.
I am excited to welcome author
Lori Z. Scott, joining us today to talk about the newest releases in her Meghan Rose series—
Meghan Rose All Dressed Up and
Meghan Rose Has a Secret.Since 2000, Lori has published over fifty short stories, devotions, puzzles, poems, and articles for children, teens, and adults in publications such as Focus on Your Child, MOMSense Magazine, Spirit Led Writer, Pockets, and Devozine. She is the author of
Busy Moms’ Devotions to Go and four Meghan Rose titles. In addition, Lori has contributed to over a dozen books including
Real Moms,
Cup of Comfort Book of Prayers, and 2007 Eppie Award winner
InfiniteSpace, Infinite God.A graduate of Wheaton College, Lori has worked with children for over twenty years, both as a teacher in the classroom and as a volunteer for local churches, museums, and schools. When she’s not busy driving her two children to various church, sporting, and artistic activities, she moonlights as a speaker for women’s groups and schools.
Lori, welcome. Thanks for taking time to be with us today.My pleasure.
You often introduce yourself as first a mother, then a teacher, and finally a writer. Why is that?
I feel like being a mother is my highest calling in life. And that means I’m a caregiver, nurse, tutor, cheerleader, counselor, transportation expert, and nutritionist. Doing all those mommy things is a bit like filling a jar jam-packed with marbles. I pursue my own interests in the empty spaces around those marbles because being a mommy trumps all.
I call myself a teacher second because working with kids has been such a huge part of my life. Just as God gifts different people for different tasks, I feel like God has given me a special ability to understand and work with children. Or maybe I’m just not ready to give up playing and comics yet.
I call myself a writer last because I often feel like writing too much fun—and pays too little—to be a real job. But then again, writing is another interest in my life I have felt called to pursue. God blessed me there too. When I decided to start writing, my first submission won second place in a science fiction writing contest. My second submission won MOPS International story writing contest.
I guess what I want moms to realize is, it’s okay to put the mommy part of our lives first and to trust that God will still bless, fulfill, and lead us in other areas as well.
Why would parents like your series? 
A good question—one that I have to answer from my own experience. When my daughter was in first grade, her teacher started reading the Junie B. Jones books in class. Since Meghan liked them, I picked up a few copies.
Well, I enjoyed the humor in those books, but had to edit out some of the grammar slips, name calling and attitudes. I thought there had to be an alternative choice—a book that was just as funny, but also had a good take-away value. I scoured the Christian bookstores. I couldn’t find any fiction for that age group, only devotional books and Bible stories.
When I asked about it, bookstore owners often commented that they wished they could offer such a book. In fact, they’d had numerous parents come to the store, all asking the same thing: Do you have a fiction book my young child will enjoy reading? And, like them, I walked away empty handed.
So I wrote the book I couldn’t find—a book for my daughter AND for all those other mothers just like me. I put in everything she wanted—an interesting story filled with giggles and characters worth rooting for—and everything I wanted—good moral values (but with nothing preachy about the story at all). And because I don’t believe I’m alone in those desires, I’m convinced other parents (AND THEIR KIDS!!!) will like the series too.
Why did you include discussion questions and activities at the end of each book?
That’s the teacher part of me flaring up big time! LOL. But seriously, how many times have you as a mother read a book and thought, “There’s a good lesson in here” but didn’t know how to draw your child into a discussion about it? I remember reading Where the Red Fern Grows with my daughter and wanting to talk about the tender topic of death that book touches on. Since I didn’t know where to start, I couldn’t fully take advantage of that teachable moment. (Instead we both just cried all the way through the last few chapters.)
That’s why I included questions for parents or teachers to use after they read the story, so they can capitalize on the book’s underlying message. (Although I hope people laugh through the last few chapters of Meghan Rose instead of cry!)
And the activities are all for the kids. They love extending the story experience by creating their own volcanoes or whatever. I also put a ton of other ideas for parents and kids on my website under the BLAM (Brilliant Little Activities to Make)
link.So each book has an underlying message? Tell us about that.
As I mentioned, I wanted the stories to do more than entertain. I wanted them to have takeaway value. Each book’s message is very subtle but still evident throughout the book. While Meghan Rose on Stage! talks about discovering your talents, it’s ultimately about friendship. Meghan Rose Has Ants in Her Pants explores the idea of patience—a difficult area for most kids to deal with. The newest two books—Meghan Rose All Dressed Up and Meghan Rose Has a Secret—address inner beauty and kind words. But again, none of it is preachy. It’s heavy on the humor and very, VERY light on the lesson…yet neither quality is lost on the child.
Are the books just for girls?
Not at all! One mother of two boys emailed me about how much her sons enjoyed reading them with her. She said they could hardly read for laughing so hard—they were all HOWLING!! The youngest one loved it so much he started sleeping with the first book under his pillow at night.
In fact, the comment I hear most from people who read the books is, “I laughed out loud.” The second comment I hear most often is about how much kids (and parents) like the discussion questions and activities. How can all that just be for girls?
Where do you get the inspiration for the humorous parts of the books?
Most of that comes from my upbringing. My dad was always coming up with puns and jokes. He made them up on the spot, and they were hilarious! I can’t tell you how many hours we spent laughing around the dinner table. I think dad influenced all my sisters. In fact, one of my sisters was part of an improvisational comedy team. (She’s also a pastor’s wife—it’s a fun combination.)
I also grew up on a steady diet of comic books. Peanuts and Garfield were my favorites, and later Calvin and Hobbes. And we’d also watch comedy on television, especially The Carol Brunette Show.
That said, some of my inspiration just comes from everyday life. My kids crack me up. They both have a great sense of humor.
The main character in the Meghan Rose series shares your daughter’s name. Why is that?
She was the foundational basis for the character. When I started the series, I needed someone likable, outrageous, clever, spunky, and sensitive all rolled into one. Well, that’s my Meghan. And since I originally wrote the books just for her, I simply used her name. You’ll also see the names of other people I’ve met, although the character they’re named for is totally fiction. Mrs. Arnold, for example, was the name of Meghan’s real first grade teacher. But she’s not like the Mrs. Arnold in the book.
Are any of the characters like you?
I think maybe there’s a little bit of me in all of them. Certainly a lot of me is reflected in the teacher, Mrs. Arnold. Then Ryan shows the jokester side of me, Kayla has the goofy side, Lynette has the rule-following, show-off side, and Meghan’s Mom has the practical side. The Meghan character herself is about 80 percent of the “real” Meghan, 10 percent of me and my creative musings, and 10 percent total fiction.
Do you ever visit schools to talk about the books?
Yes! I’ve visited several schools and talked about the steps a writer goes through to get from idea to published book. I’ve also shared ways to boost everyday creativity and develop writing ideas. All three presentations seem to fire up everyone, even the reluctant writers. Kids tell me that what they enjoy most about the time we spend together is learning my two-handed drawing trick and discovering how to write their own jokes.
As a teacher, I value school visits. I think it’s important to inspire and encourage all children…to help them see opportunities and possibilities. As a mom, I can’t help seeing my own children reflected in the faces I meet. That gives me extra incentive to make kids want to reach their dreams, whatever they might be.
Can you share one idea for mothers to help their children be more creative?
Sure. Hmmm. Hard to pick one. I guess one great idea is to encourage your children to be involved with artistic endeavors. That can include a whole variety of options, like drawing, painting, or making things out of shoe boxes. Children can listen to or dance to music. Or make their own music. They can dress up and put on a show for family or friends, or memorize a silly poem. And it should be fun, not work.
Where can readers learn more about you and the Meghan Rose books?
They can visit my
web site. My award-winning illustrator, Stacy Curtis, designed it. It offers jokes, puzzles, and activities for kids and great ideas for teacher and parents (on Mrs. Arnold’s BLAM page). It also introduces the books and characters, provides links to book reviews, and gives ordering information. I posted a retold fairy tale reader’s theater that gives visitors a good feel for the style of humor found in the books in my
Little Red Riding Hood reader's theater. You can also purchase a copy of
Meghan Rose on Stage!, Meghan Rose Has Ants in Her Pants, Meghan Rose All Dressed Up, and
Meghan Rose Has a Secret by clicking on the titles here.
That sounds great. Well, thank you for your time!
Thank you for letting me visit with you.
I'm giving away a copy of All Dressed Up and On Stage! Leave a comment on this post, I'll draw a name on Friday!Stop Lurking! Every week I will draw names for a free Tricia Goyer book from those who comment on my blogs. Winner's choice! Tell your friends.
Friday Flashback...

This is Leslie at age three. Good thing she was super cute! She had the strongest will ever. Dobson could have used her for a case model. She hasn't grown out of that will, but she HAS focused it in the right direction. Mom's smiling now!
And don't's the last day to vote for your favorite "Love GenX Style" love story!Stop Lurking! Every week I will draw names for a free Tricia Goyer book from those who comment on my blogs. Winner's choice! Tell your friends.
Love GenX Style Contest Entries! Vote NOW!
Below are links to each of the Love Gen X Style contest each link to read how each contestant met their spouse and vote for your favorite story!
The entry with the most comments wins a date with their spouse (whoo-hoo)! The winning story will also be published in Tricia's monthly newsletter! (Just think, you'll be famous!)
Love GenX Style Contest entry #1
Love GenX Style Contest entry #2
Love GenX Style Contest entry #3
Love GenX Style Contest entry #4
Love GenX Style Contest entry #5
Love GenX Style Contest entry #6
Love GenX Style Contest entry #7
Love GenX Style Contest entry #8
Love GenX Style Contest entry #9
Love GenX Style Contest entry #10
Love GenX Style Contest entry #11
Love GenX Style Contest entry #12
Love GenX Style Contest entry #13
Love GenX Style Contest entry #14
Love GenX Style Contest entry #15
Love GenX Style Contest entry #16
Love GenX Style Contest entry #17
Love GenX Style Contest entry #18
Love GenX Style Contest entry #19
Love GenX Style Contest entry #20
Love GenX Style Contest entry #21
Love GenX Style Contest entry #22
Love GenX Style Contest entry #23
Love GenX Style Contest entry #24
Love GenX Style Contest entry #25
Love GenX Style Contest entry #26
Love GenX Style Contest entry #27
Love GenX Style Contest entry #28
Love GenX Style Contest entry #29
Love GenX Style Contest entry #30
five runner's up will win a copy of Joanna Weaver's With This Ring!With this Ring (WaterBrook Press, April 15, 2008), a beautiful, sensitive new edition of the book that explores the eternal meaning and rich history behind traditional Christian wedding vows.
More than 2.3 million couples marry every year and this book elegantly holds the forever promises and pledges that newlyweds want to thoughtfully consider with excitement, hopes, and dreams for a life together, forever.
Joanna captures readers’ hearts with stories of couples who have discovered the depths of meaning behind the words. With hallmark warmth, she guides readers through the vows they will utter on one of the most important days of their lives; with insightful questions and elegant spaces, she allows readers to record their deepest feelings and greatest hopes, making the book a personalized keepsake to treasure for generations.
The tender message and sophisticated, elegant new package makes With This Ring the perfect gift for anyone engaged, about to marry, newlyweds or those celebrating marriage milestones—and a soul-stirring reminder that the declarations of love are sacred and the bonds of marriage eternal.
Stop Lurking! Every week I will draw names for a free Tricia Goyer book from those who comment on my blogs. Winner's choice! Tell your friends.
Blue Like Tidy-Bowl Cleaner, Kool-Aid, and Heaven:
Thoughts on Home, Family, and God from the middle of Suburbia!I used to have an idea of what a homeschooler was like, until I became one. I thought of tight buns, long skirts, and homemade bread (whole-wheat of course). While that is a wonderful lifestyle I admire, that is so not me.
I’m more likely to drive through Starbucks, than to press fresh carrot juice. I watch Heroes with my kids and spend more time surfing the Internet than weeding an organic garden. Again, while all of those things are great, they’re just not what I’m about.
I remember the first time I ever considered homeschooling. We had friends from church who had eight kids, some of them teens, that I couldn’t help but notice. They set themselves apart not because of how they dressed or how they ate, but because of how they loved. The kids enjoyed hanging out with their parents, and the parents seemed to be having fun, too. Fun with their teens. They liked each other, and it was so unique I couldn’t help but notice. I wanted teens like that.
From the time my kids were toddlers I’d learned to fear the teen years. My toddlers could throw a tantrum in the middle of the grocery store and people would respond, “Oh, that’s nothing, just wait until they are teens.”
I’m glad to say that, years later after over a decade of homeschooling, I have teens like that. We hang out, we have fun, and we enjoy each other. Not that homeschooling is a magic formula, but by choosing it I was making a conscious choice to give my children time. Time to learn, time to share, time to grow up together.
Sometimes people are surprised when I tell them I’m a homeschool teacher. Maybe because I still look sane. Or maybe because I smile when I say it.
While it’s not the path for everyone, I’m thankful for my friends’ example. I also realize that even though I don’t look like how you think a homeschooling mom should, maybe people do see something different.
Labels: gardening, Heroes, homeschooling, internet, organic, Starbucks, teenagers, toddlers
Blue Like Tidy-Bowl Cleaner, Kool-Aid, and Heaven:
Thoughts on Home, Family, and God from the middle of Suburbia!One of the fun things about having kids is getting to act like a kid again. People actually consider you a good parent if you get down on the floor and play with your kids.
My personal favorites are board games. Actually, that isn’t the truth. There is one other thing I like more. Play-dough. I love to squish it, shape it, and sniff it.
When my kids were small I made homemade play-dough. I didn’t like it that much because it was plain grayish, white and smelled of salty bread. That’s until I learned a secret ingredient—kool-aid. Just one small packet of kool-aid in homemade dough made it smell great and look pretty, too.
Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about Jeremiah 18:4, “But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him.”
Like everyone, there are things in my life that I’ve felt God molding, and while it sounds like a beautiful concept, it hurts like heck.
One day, when I was yet again going before God concerning a certain sin-struggle that I couldn’t seem to overcome, I imagined myself clay in a potter’s hands. Okay, I actually imagined bright blue play-dough, but the idea is the same. Molding takes pressure. It takes squishing and shaping. But as I watched in my mind’s eye, I realized that God wasn’t just reforming me just for fun. Instead he had a model for me to follow. He was actually forming me into the shape of Christ. (Galatians 4:19 talks about this very thing.)
Remembering this, helps me somehow. As an amateur, when I sit down with my kids and their play-dough, I’m lucky if I can form a realistic worm. But God forms me with a model in mind. The more I allow Him to shape me, the more I’m like Christ. Now that’s worth all the squishing and shaping, if I say so myself.
Labels: children, christ, god, molding, parenting, play-dough, playing
Married with Children...Part 3

“Nothing ever lasts forever,” sang Tears for Fears (remember them?). “Everybody wants to rule the world.”
The cool thing is that as parents, you do. For a short time you and your spouse make up your child’s entire world, for better or worse.
You’ve witnessed how our generation was affected by what happened in our world as we grew up. Well, your marriage—you and your spouse working together—will have the same impact on your kids.
There is so much I could talk about when it comes to raising kids…and in fact I did, in
Generation NeXt Parenting. But overall, here is our top twelve list of the best things a married couple can do TOGETHER for their kids:
1. Spend time working out a philosophy of discipline and child training.
2. Read the Bible together…and let your kids see you do it. Read the Bible to your kids, too.
3. Study Christian parenting books.
4. Talk to people whose children you admire.
5. Have daily “couch time” where your kids see the two of you talking about your day. It will give them security to see their parents communicate. They will know all is well in their world.
6. Never disagree about discipline in front of the children. Children know how to play one parent against the other.
7. Be loyal to one another and stand by each other, even when you don’t think the other person has handled the situation correctly. It’s better to work it out afterward, in private.
8. Let loose once in a while. Life doesn’t always have to be serious.
9. Pray together as a family.
10. Love one another and show your loyalty to each other.
11. Let the kids see you handle disagreements and resolutions respectfully.
12. Trust that God chose you and your spouse specifically for this job. He placed you together in this time in history, with these kids, for a reason.
Labels: generation x, marriage, parenting, parenting advice
"Love" Gen X Style!
Welcome to the blog tour for
Generation NeXt Marriage: The couples Guide To Keeping It Together!
Let the fun begin!
You see this isn't any ordinary, plain
jane tour...NO this tour is less about the book and more about the
bloggers who are hosting the book!
Make sure you stop by their blogs as they share which of the chapters somehow changed their marriage (or maybe at least the way they think about their marriage -- grin)!
Tour Schedule here
Some of the blogs participating:
Rebecca at Ripples and Reflections
Trish at Books For Moms
Mike at Wide-Eyed Fiction
Margaret at The Cappuccino Life
Niki at Sex, Love and Marriage
Kelly at Scrambled Dregs
Cindy at Still His
Christy at Christy’s Book Blog
Mellissa at The Adventures of Wonder Mommy
Mindy at
Ponderings of the Heart
Melody at Kids, Cakes, Dishes, Laundry…In That Order
e-Mom at Chrysalis
Melody at Slurping Life
Allison at The Gentle Art of Ruling Your Husband
more here
Oh...and you can win a date with your spouse (
Love Gen X Style!
Share your story and WIN a dinner for TWO to the restaurant of your choice! ($50 maximum)
Tell us the story of how you and your spouse met. If you have photos, send those along, too! All the stories will be published on this blog.
The winning story will be the one with the most tell your friends. A winning story will be chosen at the end of the blog tour and will be published in Tricia's monthly newsletter! (Just think, you'll be famous!)
Contest entry form for Generation
NeXt Marriage blog tour!
The contest ends 4/20...but the voting will be extended until the 25th! The winner will be announced on April 27th!
Stop Lurking! Every week I will draw names for a free Tricia
Goyer book from those who comment on my blogs. Winner's choice! Tell your friends.
Love GenX Style Contest entry #30

Remember the story with the most votes wins the "date with your spouse" gift certificate! If you haven't yet submitted a story...what are you waiting for? :)
Today's entry is from Kim T:My husband Matt is originally from Missouri and I am from Michigan.
At the time we met I was attending Ohio State University and he was stationed at Ft. Benning, GA. (Army) I was online chatting with friends of mine while trying to do my homework for one of my classes. As I was chatting away someone starting chatting with my friends and I in our conversation. I had no idea who he was.
Eventually I sent him a private message asking him who he was and why he was chatting in our conversation? After that single private message they never stopped. We started talking on the phone for hours at a time even though we never met! After three months of talking on the phone I finally flew to Georgia to meet him and the rest was history. We immediately knew that this was it for the both of us. As we began to find out more about each other we realized that he was from a very small town which is the location for the college I was going to attend if I didn t get to Ohio State. We also learned that we had mutual friends from our hometowns! I couldn t believe what a small world it truly is!
After a short six months Matt and I we were engaged and three months later we were married. We lived in different states the entire time we dated and after we were married for 3 months. The separation however, has truly blessed us and prepared us for our lives that we have now.
Since we have been married my husband has been deployed four times. The separation we experienced from the very beginning allowed us to be separated from each other for periods of time without any great strain on our marriage. The separation has done nothing but strengthen our love for each other and for the children we now have!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Win a date with your spouse (whoo-hoo) Love Gen X Style! Share your story and WIN a dinner for TWO to the restaurant of your choice! ($50 maximum)
Tell us the story of how you and your spouse met. If you have photos, send those along, too! All the stories will be published on this blog. The winning story will be the one with the most tell your friends. A winning story will be chosen at the end of the blog tour and will be published in Tricia's monthly newsletter! (Just think, you'll be famous!)
Contest entry form for Generation NeXt Marriage blog tour! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Stop Lurking! Every week I will draw names for a free Tricia Goyer book from those who comment on my blogs. Winner's choice! Tell your friends.
Love GenX Style Contest entry #29
Remember the story with the most votes wins the "date with your spouse" gift certificate! If you haven't yet submitted a story...what are you waiting for? :)
Today's entry is from Janeah O:I was working full time and going to school at night. I didn't have time to meet guys. So, I signed on with I found an amazing guy that had just moved to Phx and didn't know anyone.
My husband was the first date I went on and I knew immediatly he was the one! We have been married for 5 years and have 3 great kids. Who says internet dating doesn't work!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Win a date with your spouse (whoo-hoo) Love Gen X Style! Share your story and WIN a dinner for TWO to the restaurant of your choice! ($50 maximum)
Tell us the story of how you and your spousse met. If you have photos, send those along, too! All the stories will be published on this blog. The winning story will be the one with the most tell your friends. A winning story will be chosen at the end of the blog tour and will be published in Tricia's monthly newsletter! (Just think, you'll be famous!)
Contest entry form for Generation NeXt Marriage blog tour! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Stop Lurking! Every week I will draw names for a free Tricia Goyer book from those who comment on my blogs. Winner's choice! Tell your friends.
Love GenX Style Contest entry #28
Remember the story with the most votes wins the "date with your spouse" gift certificate! If you haven't yet submitted a story...what are you waiting for? :)
Today's entry is from Jackie C:Well my story may not be the MOST romantic or make you jealous with envy, but its a story of true love - at first sight.
My younger brother was stationed in Germany and was getting married. I was excited to go to see my lil brother tie the knot - to a sweet german girl and have the opportunity to travel overseas. I was more than excited.
After traveling for a FULL LONG day, nappy hair, day old clothes and no tooth brush available to use, we finally arrived at the brother's home. In the midst of meeting people who we could not understand talk, in walked in this guy that made me blush and actually stop talking. This guy was my brother's best man.
Fast forward to the wedding - which in Germany is really different. I kept seeing this guy "Charley" and trying to catch his eye, but he did not seem too interested until I found out from my dad that he asked in a round about way, how old I was.
After the wedding, Charley kept flirting with this other girl and I just kept rolling my eyes and giggling. At dinner that night I tried sitting next to him but he ran the other way and ended up in front of me. We exchanged goggley eyes and smiles but when he tried to steal the most delicious potatoes, I gave him this "eat it and you die," look. From then it seemed a match made in heaven!
Charley made me laugh that night by doing some embarrsing things to himself - which was even more funny. A table full of Germans and a handful of Americans.....a guy that just kept making goofy mishaps... too funny, but I guess it would be more funny if you where there!
Charley ended up leaving sooner than I had wanted him to, but I was determined to see him again. When we all returned back home, I asked my brother to call him to come over.
Apparently I had my brother call him every hour, but that is not the way I remember it :) When he did finally come over (midnight) he fell asleep on the couch. I just could not believe it.
He did manage to wake from his intense - talkive dream [about car engines- how exciting] to hang out and talk for a bit. We both finally fell asleep across from each other leaving our hands so close to each other that all we needed to touch each other was a good breeze! Fast forward again to the recption.... I felt like I waited forever to see him again but when I did, it took my breath away again!! Once he was there he seemed really quiet and gave me the impression that he was not interested. Dang! Well I couldnt let a true German reception go to waste, so I decided to enjoy myself.
At the end of the night both the bride and groom were... well, they were TRASHED! We had to load them up in this mini car no bigger than a go-cart to get them both home,which meant no room for me!! My dad so nicely asked Charley if he would take me home that night...I guess from there, the rest is a beautiful history. He did spend the night that night and we talked for hours and finally got the courage to touch hands. It was amazing to be touched by someone with so much feelings inside yourself. That next morning, he had asked my parents if he could kidnap me for a while. I was so excited to see where we would go. Trusting we were all,but its crazy what love does.
We ended up at this castle that was abanded. It was more than beautiful!! We climbed all the way to the top and stayed there as long as we could. We kissed, we talked, we fell in love - and it ended all too soon. Before we knew it, the castle was closed, the gate was locked - we were the only ones left. We continued the day just being together and having fun. As the sun was setting that night, my heart that was filled with love and happiness, the first time in my life, was also getting filled with saddness. Our plane was due to be leaving that morning. I did not know if I would ever see this perfect guy again. I was determined from the begining to not let him go.
The next day we did leave and he did not follow me like I was hoping nor did he come running through the airport like a Hallmark commerical to confess his love and beg me to stay. Instead, I arrived home to the states and a few months later, we confessed our love and promise to God, friends, and family in a November wedding in North Carolina!
That is the "short" story of Jackie & Charley Charlebois.
Win a date with your spouse (whoo-hoo) Love Gen X Style! Share your story and WIN a dinner for TWO to the restaurant of your choice! ($50 maximum)
Tell us the story of how you and your spousse met. If you have photos, send those along, too! All the stories will be published on this blog. The winning story will be the one with the most tell your friends. A winning story will be chosen at the end of the blog tour and will be published in Tricia's monthly newsletter! (Just think, you'll be famous!)
Contest entry form for Generation NeXt Marriage blog tour! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Stop Lurking! Every week I will draw names for a free Tricia Goyer book from those who comment on my blogs. Winner's choice! Tell your friends.
Are Gen Xers GRACEFUL? Have we learned this?
In our small group (made up of Gen Xers!) we're doing the DVD study to
What's So Amazing About Grace, by Max Lucado. I realized that what's amazing to me is how little the secular media deals with grace. Or more to the fact, they ignore it. The movies these days are all about revenge. The bad guy dies or at least pays big. Some movies, like
Sniper, have the revenge go over the top--blowing all the bad guys to pieces as we cheer them on. Grace is harder to discover. Forgiveness and grace ... is even harder to find. Growing up I don't remember long conversations about grace. I think back to the 80s movies and songs where we cheered when the bad guy was wiped out.
Is anyone talking about this? Is anyone talking about Gen X at all in our world? Yes, WE are. But sometimes I feel we're the only one talking about our "issues." I think that's because the older generation doesn't understand what our issues are!
It think that's why Gen Xers are enjoying my books. (YEAH! Thank you, thank you.) It's liberating for them to hear me say, "Hey, it really stunk for me to grow up with three step dads, half-siblings, and not finding my biological dad until I was almost 30. It stunk connecting more with TV families than my own parents, that all our role models messed up, and that me and all my friends turned to sex because that's what was promoted by Madonna and every other MTV star ... But you know what, God knew we'd live during this time and He's the answer to all of the angst." Whew.
I'm pitching another Gen X book to my editor about connecting with parents, friends, our community and world. I hope I get to write it. I think this message of forgiveness and grace is one that needs to be talked about. Maybe if we can learn to forgive we can have REAL relationships in addition to all the cyber ones that are so MUCH easier to maintain!
Stop Lurking! Every week I will draw names for a free Tricia Goyer book from those who comment on my blogs. Winner's choice! Tell your friends.
Love GenX Style Contest entry #27
Remember the story with the most votes wins the "date with your spouse" gift certificate! If you haven't yet submitted a story...what are you waiting for? :)
Today's entry is from Julie M:I met my husband WAY back in 1990. June 2, 1990 to be exact. I really didn't mean for it to happen. One of my girlfriends and I were talking, as most teenage girls do, and another friend wanted to know what we were talking about. Not wanting to discuss it with this second friend I simply said, "Oh, Dawn is going to set me up with one of Shawn's friends."
(Dawn being my friend and Shawn being her boyfriend.)
Well, would you believe she did? She set me up on a blind date! I was barely 17 years old and little did I know that I was getting ready to meet the man I would spend the rest of my life with.
The night of the blind date was upon me. It was June 2, 1990. My friend, her boyfriend and I arrived at the designated location to wait. And we waited and waited and waited. We waited 2 hours!!! Are you kidding me?
My date finally arrived for our big evening. He was wearing a gray tank top, blue and white shorts, muddy socks and Sebago shoes! HUH? He had been playing soft ball and stayed to play one more game and didn't have time to change. Softball he was late because of softball!
Oh, but I was smitten with him! Even if he was a goofy dresser LOL! We went to Pizza Hut for dinner and just hung out the rest of the evening. Not a spectacular first date by any means, but it was our first date.
We dated all that summer. After knowing me only 3 months, he decided to move out from home to mover closer to me. He moved in with his friend that introduced us and at 19 he was on his own. He worked 2 jobs to make ends meet. We didn't go out on dates very often. I would visit him and he would visit me. We just didn't have tons of money for dating, but that was okay.
We were together! We continued dating while I finished high school. He even took me to my Senior Prom!
I knew we were going to be married. He knew we were going to be married. We both knew we were too young to be married so we both worked and dated and waited for us to get older.
Remember that softball game that made him late for our first date? Well, it turned out to be softball that got us to the alter! Let me explain. We had been talking about getting married. One Friday night, he told me that if he hit a home run in the first game of his softball tournament the following morning, we would get married. I sort of forgot about it until the next afternoon while I was at work. His mother called me to tell me that Kenton had hit not only a home run but a GRAND SLAM! She was sure he was going to propose. I didn't believe it. I thought it was just a joke. About 10:00 that night, he came to my house, still dirty from playing ball. He handed me the softball he had hit the Grand Slam with.
He had written on it and it said:
"The time has come
It's here at last
Now let's enjoy
and cherish the past
It's time to move on
to higher ground
Just keep reading
as the ball goes around
Room is running out
as you can see
So let me leave you with
Julie, will you marry me?"
As I read the words he pulled out my engagement ring and slipped it onto my finger. 14 months later we were married!
We have been married 14 years now. I just can't believe it. We have been through some rough times. Almost 5 years ago my husband's father passed away.
Kenton took over running the ice business. There were a lot of debts involved. Things haven't been easy for us but we are so happy! We are so blessed!
Thursday I will turn 35 years old. I can't believe I've been with my love for 18 years. It still feels like we just met. Time is going too fast. I'm now the mother of his beautiful children. We have such a full life! Such a wonderful marriage.
Perfect? No!
Wonderful? YES!
A thousand times YES!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Win a date with your spouse (whoo-hoo) Love Gen X Style! Share your story and WIN a dinner for TWO to the restaurant of your choice! ($50 maximum)
Tell us the story of how you and your spousse met. If you have photos, send those along, too! All the stories will be published on this blog. The winning story will be the one with the most tell your friends. A winning story will be chosen at the end of the blog tour and will be published in Tricia's monthly newsletter! (Just think, you'll be famous!)
Contest entry form for Generation NeXt Marriage blog tour! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Stop Lurking! Every week I will draw names for a free Tricia Goyer book from those who comment on my blogs. Winner's choice! Tell your friends.
Friday Flashback...

This is Cory and Leslie around ages 5 and 3 pretending to sleep. Notice the Barney blanket? At the time he was "in." Notice the cat "sleeping" between them. We got it from someone's barn. It used to attack Leslie's hair while she slept ... thus we gave it to John's boss. Note to self, do NOT give monster cat to boss. Thankfully John kept his job. Unfortunately the boss is no longer with the company.
Stop Lurking! Every week I will draw names for a free Tricia Goyer book from those who comment on my blogs. Winner's choice! Tell your friends.
Love GenX Style Contest entry #26
Remember the story with the most votes wins the "date with your spouse" gift certificate! If you haven't yet submitted a story...what are you waiting for? :)
Today's entry is from Billie K:How I met my husband? I met him through God's orchestration.
Really, it is not all that incredible (1st time he asked me that is worth publishing). I have left out a lot of details, but I can look back and see God's fingerprints all over the place on our story.
In 1997, I was a year out of college and needing to make some changes spiritually and in friendships. I began "church shopping". Yes, I was on a quest to meet God, but if I ALSO met a young man in the midst, that would be OK too.
My first time at my new church I ran into a friend from my old church. She invited me over to a friend's house to hang out on Sunday evening. She told me about 2 or 3 potential guys and one was named "Mark". Although I was excited to meet these potential men, I was really there for friendships.
I can still remember what I wore that night. In fact, just last month I finally got rid of the sweater! I walked up the stairs and into the kitchen and there he was. Was it love at 1st sight? No, not for me, but I thought he was the nicest guy I'd met in awhile. We talked for hours.
And hours.
And hours.
Somehow I just knew he was the one. Even without the bells ringing. In fact, I wrote it in my journal that night...."I think I met the man I'm going to marry."
And I did.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Win a date with your spouse (whoo-hoo) Love Gen X Style! Share your story and WIN a dinner for TWO to the restaurant of your choice! ($50 maximum)
Tell us the story of how you and your spousse met. If you have photos, send those along, too! All the stories will be published on this blog. The winning story will be the one with the most tell your friends. A winning story will be chosen at the end of the blog tour and will be published in Tricia's monthly newsletter! (Just think, you'll be famous!)
Contest entry form for Generation NeXt Marriage blog tour! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Stop Lurking! Every week I will draw names for a free Tricia Goyer book from those who comment on my blogs. Winner's choice! Tell your friends.
Love GenX Style Contest entry #25
Remember the story with the most votes wins the "date with your spouse" gift certificate! If you haven't yet submitted a story...what are you waiting for? :)
Today's entry is from Vickie M:
A Night at the Movies...
One evening late in the summer I went to my parents' house to have dinner.
My older brother was home from college and was there too, but both of our little brothers, then in high school, were out on dates. Not wanting to appear that we had no social life, my brother Derek and I decided to go see a movie together.
We checked the paper (this was pre-internet!) and rushed off because the show we wanted to see was starting soon. It was a crowded Friday night at this Bay Area theater but while we were waiting in line I spotted 2 of my former roommates. I left my brother to buy the tickets and went over to say hi to them and they introduced me to two guy friends they were with. Turns out they were trying to see the same movie but it was already sold out. As my brother hollered from the ticket line that the show was sold out they were inviting us to go play pool at Craig's house, the shorter of the two friends they were with.
We spent about 5 hours together that night and since Craig only lived a few blocks from my house I managed to work it out so we drove him home since my old roommates had picked him up.
He and Derek were talking about getting together for some big football game the next week (he could still tell you who was playing!) so I suggested we all trade phone numbers.
One phone call and one week later we had our first date and that night he told me he wanted to marry me. It took me a couple weeks until I "knew" too.
We were married nearly two years later (that's another story!) and the rest, as they say, is history!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Win a date with your spouse (whoo-hoo) Love Gen X Style! Share your story and WIN a dinner for TWO to the restaurant of your choice! ($50 maximum)
Tell us the story of how you and your spousse met. If you have photos, send those along, too! All the stories will be published on this blog. The winning story will be the one with the most tell your friends. A winning story will be chosen at the end of the blog tour and will be published in Tricia's monthly newsletter! (Just think, you'll be famous!)
Contest entry form for Generation NeXt Marriage blog tour! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Stop Lurking! Every week I will draw names for a free Tricia Goyer book from those who comment on my blogs. Winner's choice! Tell your friends.
Married with Children...Part 2

A Plan and a Purpose
“Marriage is a purposeful relationship. All research indicates that an intimate marriage provides the safest and most productive climate for raising children,” writes Gary Chapman, author of The Four Seasons of Marriage. The more time parents spend talking about issues, taking parenting classes, and providing a united front, the more purposeful their parenting. They can come up with a plan and help each other implement it.
Husbands and wives also bring unique input and insight, depending on how they were raised and the type of resources they turn to for advice.
Parents today are becoming better educated about the needs of their children and being more intentional about their parenting. They make more sacrifices and work harder at building relationship with their kids than the parents of Xers did, resulting in closer relationship between N-Geners and their parents.
Of course, joining together as a team is sometimes easier said than done. Dr. John Roseman writes, “Today’s typical wife, as soon as she becomes a parent, begins to act as if she took a marriage vow that read, ‘I take you to be my husband, until children do us part.’”
I remember a time not too long ago when a wife who became a mother remained first and foremost a wife. Whether they had children or not, women who worked outside the home were referred to as “working wives,” and women who worked in the home were “housewives.”
But a change has occurred in the language we use to describe a woman’s employment status. Today, a woman who stays home with her children is called a “working mom” or “stay-at-home mom.” Some consider this an improvement, but I think it reflects a dangerous shift in focus from wife to mother. In other words, societal attention has moved away from the marriage and onto the children.
Roseman goes on to say: “This shift came about largely because America shifted to a self-esteem based child-rearing philosophy, and women became persuaded that the mother who paid the most attention to and did the most for her child was the best mom of them all.”
I watch this perception play out in the lives of many women I know. Gen-Xers are very focused on their children—sometimes to the point of sacrificing their marriages. And I know firsthand, because for many years I placed more emphasis on my role as mom than my role as wife. My time, energy, devotion went to the kids first, and John got the leftovers.
It wasn’t until the kids were in middle school that I realized the best thing I can do for my kids is to love their dad. Their very lives depend upon the strength of our relationship; if it crumbles, their world does too.
Additionally, the way John and I interact serves as our children’s model for marriage. In fact, the type of marriage I have with John is most likely the kind my kids will have too. That’s huge.
Labels: child rearing, generation x, generational differences, marriage, parenting
Love GenX Style Contest entry #24

Remember the story with the most votes wins the "date with your spouse" gift certificate! If you haven't yet submitted a story...what are you waiting for? :)
Today's entry is from Teresa B:
Mine and my hubby's story is probably much like many others...but one I know we'll always remember and hopefully tell our grandkids some day.
It all started when I decided to live and work on campus at Textile (now Philadelphia University). I had a townhouse with a couple close sorority sisters and my husband and fraternity brothers just so happened to unexpectedly stop by our house (we were having a party). I was having a great time being single and enjoying my friends and freedom. I saw this guy sitting by himself in the living room; felt kind of bad. So I sat down said hi and we starting chatting. Turns out, we talked for about 3 hours that night...weird because I'm not much of a talker & neither is he! I didn't really think anything would come of our talk, but later the next week my sorority sister friend said her friend (my husband's friend) was talking about how Pete (my husband) really wanted to ask me out but was too shy.
His friend basically asked me out for him and we had our first date. It was not the greatest of dates...Pete couldn't eat & wouldn't talk much at all (he was totally nervous). I knew if I was ever going to get to know this guy, I'd have to get him to talk, so for the next couple weeks when we got together I made him take walks with me at Kelly Drive (no tv, no distractions; just us & time to talk). It worked! He opened up & we really was like I had found the one person who I could totally be myself with. We made each other laugh. Once school started in the fall we ate lunch together whenever possible (each skipping a class here & there to be with one another). Peter makes me so happy. In 2004 we had the wedding day I've always dreamed of...on the beach with the sunset in the background.
And exactly 2 years later our daughter, Elena, came along. We're so blessed to have found one another & have the family we have.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Win a date with your spouse (whoo-hoo) Love Gen X Style! Share your story and WIN a dinner for TWO to the restaurant of your choice! ($50 maximum)
Tell us the story of how you and your spousse met. If you have photos, send those along, too! All the stories will be published on this blog. The winning story will be the one with the most tell your friends. A winning story will be chosen at the end of the blog tour and will be published in Tricia's monthly newsletter! (Just think, you'll be famous!)
Contest entry form for Generation NeXt Marriage blog tour! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Stop Lurking! Every week I will draw names for a free Tricia Goyer book from those who comment on my blogs. Winner's choice! Tell your friends.
Love GenX Style Contest entry #23
Remember the story with the most votes wins the "date with your spouse" gift certificate! If you haven't yet submitted a story...what are you waiting for? :)
Today's entry is from Asma F:My spouse and I have an interesting tale on how we met. I wouldn't know where to start.
Well, I'll start with how we are connected. That would be through our moms. Our moms had known each other back in the 70s since they had gone to the same high school. They both later went to UK to further their studies. That's where they met our dads. Our dads had been roommates while studying for their A-levels. They were the best of friends. Due to that, both our dads' parents became friends.
So now you'll see that even our grandparents had been friends before we were born. However, I had never met my spouse all the time while we were growing up!
How is that possible? Well, our families both lived in different countries while we were growing up. He lived in UK and Australia, while I lived in the States.
However, every year, my family would visit his grandparents. Some times his parents would be around, some times his brothers, but never him. That was because he was still in UK. (Even my sister had met him and his family when she went to further her studies in UK!) I, on the other hand, had never took an interest in any of my parents' friends' kids.
So, during our annual visit to his grandparents' house at the end of 2006, I was bored and waiting to go home. However, his grandfather had called him to stop by the house and meet our family, as he had finally returned from UK. This would be the first time I'd ever meet him, but I wasn't interested.
We had to wait for him to drive over, and when he got out of his car, the moment I laid eyes on him, I fell in love. (I know how corny it sounds, but it really was love at first sight!) He smiled at me and proceeded to greet my family. What I didn't know at that time was that he fell in love with me too! :)
And after that, as they all say, is history.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Win a date with your spouse (whoo-hoo) Love Gen X Style! Share your story and WIN a dinner for TWO to the restaurant of your choice! ($50 maximum)
Tell us the story of how you and your spousse met. If you have photos, send those along, too! All the stories will be published on this blog. The winning story will be the one with the most tell your friends. A winning story will be chosen at the end of the blog tour and will be published in Tricia's monthly newsletter! (Just think, you'll be famous!)
Contest entry form for Generation NeXt Marriage blog tour! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Stop Lurking! Every week I will draw names for a free Tricia Goyer book from those who comment on my blogs. Winner's choice! Tell your friends.
Guest Blogger...Cara Putman

Last night Eric and I went to a country concert at Purdue.
Dierks Bentley headed up the tour with
Luke Bryan and Bucky Covington. It was like coming home for this Nebraska girl. Even if I only knew a few of the songs.
You could also say Eric and I are cramming everything in we can before this baby comes in a matter of 2-3 weeks! And this was my kind of date night :-)
The crazy thing was the more I listened to the songs, the more I realized what an oddity I am. Yes, I am a Gen Xer through and through....But...
I could sing along to Luke Bryan's rendition of Elvis' Suspicious Minds.
Give me music from the 50s and I am so there.
But when Bucky sang a Pink Floyd song...I knew a couple words, but had no idea Pink Floyd originally sang the song. Can you imagine singing
we don't need no education at a place like Purdue!?!?! Since I'll start teaching again in the middle of May, I just laughed. As a teenager all I focused on was getting to college as quickly as possible. Sixteen worked for me. But the Pink Floyd song...not so relevant.
And I'm not sure I fit in this decade since ... dare I admit it ... I've never watched an episode of American Idol. Had no idea that Bucky was on it.
Really had never heard of Bucky. Still not interested in watching the show.
Bottom line -- I guess I don't fit in a box.
Good thing since I've never liked boxes. Tend to fight them to be honest.
But isn't it interesting how something like a country concert can make that crystal clear :-)
Cara C. Putman
Love GenX Style Contest entry #22
Remember the story with the most votes wins the "date with your spouse" gift certificate! If you haven't yet submitted a story...what are you waiting for? :)
Today's entry is from Christy L:
I got out of a bad marriage in July of 1999. In the divorce, he got all of the friends, except for one, a young woman named Bonnie. Bonnie, who was only 18 to my 26, did her best to call me, email me, and keep me from retreating from the world. In September, she asked me if I'd like to go to a movie, and I said sure. She called me a couple days later, she asked if she could bring her cousin, I said ok. The day of the movie, she emailed me and asked if she could bring her brother as well. No problem, I said. I got to the theater early, drove myself, and waited inside for her.
There were three men in the lobby too, obviously waiting for someone else. One was wearing a Superman shirt, another was wearing a green shirt with a Celtic type tree design. When Bonnie breezed through the doors, we all moved toward her, and she did the introductions. She had invited every eligible male in her family: her brother Johnny, and her cousins (who were brothers) Eric and Jesse. We watched the Blair Witch Project and then went to Perkins to eat and chat. I sat across from Jesse and next to Bonnie. Conversation flowed easily around the cousins as they teased each other; they had a great relationship.
I went home that night and didn't think too much more about it. Bonnie called me up and invited me out again the following weekend to go bowling, again with her cousins. Eric ended up on a date, but Jesse came along. We bowled, and I found myself watching him...a lot. Bonnie and I exchanged multiple emails where I asked her if he was interested in me. (All the while he was asking the same about me, but we had both sworn her to secrecy so she couldn't actually let on to either of us) I asked Jesse to help me pick up some furniture (my ex had taken the bed and couch), but the woman we were supposed to pick them up from never showed. So we sat in my dad's pick up truck for hours in her driveway. We talked about the stars and great books and our dreams and before the night was through, I was in love.
It took months before we both admitted our feelings for each other, but it all started because my best friend decided she liked me enough to want me to be a permanent part of her family. When Jesse and I got married in 2002, she was my maid of honor, and when our daughter, Mia, was born in 2003, she was the godmother. I owe her for life for introducing me to the man of my dreams.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Win a date with your spouse (whoo-hoo) Love Gen X Style! Share your story and WIN a dinner for TWO to the restaurant of your choice! ($50 maximum)
Tell us the story of how you and your spousse met. If you have photos, send those along, too! All the stories will be published on this blog. The winning story will be the one with the most tell your friends. A winning story will be chosen at the end of the blog tour and will be published in Tricia's monthly newsletter! (Just think, you'll be famous!)
Contest entry form for Generation NeXt Marriage blog tour! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Stop Lurking! Every week I will draw names for a free Tricia Goyer book from those who comment on my blogs. Winner's choice! Tell your friends.

I have the privilege of sharing Lisa Bergren's
The Busy Mom's Devotional with you. Lisa was one of the first writers to encourage me with my own writing. Last fall I
shared about her fiction books and last week I talked about her
super cool new family travel website.
But today I want to share about her AWESOME devotional. I love the way it beckons me with it's "hey, it's just 10 minutes", YES I have time for that! I also love that her devotions get into the meat right away. Last week I shared how I began my morning devotions...I wish I had Lisa's book then.
Lisa just launched a "companion blog" for The Busy Mom's Devotional...check it out!, Lisa will be on Blog Talk Radio live onTuesday (the 22nd) !.
About the book: Think it's impossible to have a spiritual life AND manage family life? There are many days that plainly feel like an exercise of survival. But living a life of devotion means seeing Christ in everything--from changing a diaper to a husband's tender kiss. Join Lisa for a year of "been there" devotions--readings from a mom who lives like you do, in the trenches, but strives to see Jesus beside her, through it all. Do just one devotional a day (or a week!), and you'll begin to see life with more depth and clairty than ever before. And be sure to register for Lisa's eNewsletter on the Contact page if you would like to receive some of Lisa's devotionals (and news/contests/etc) for free!
About Lisa: LISA T. BERGREN is the author of twenty-eight books that have sold many

more than she ever believed. She writes a lot from the heart and in whatever category that currently interests her–from gift and children’s books to medieval fiction and Bible studies. She is a wife to Tim, an artist, and mother to three phenomenal children–Olivia, Emma and Jack. The Bergrens live in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and worship at Trinity Lutheran Church in Monument. For more specifics on Lisa, see her Web site at
See what other's are saying about The Busy Mom's Devotional!Stop Lurking! Every week I will draw names for a free Tricia Goyer book from those who comment on my blogs. Winner's choice! Tell your friends.
Love GenX Style Contest entry #21
Remember the story with the most votes wins the "date with your spouse" gift certificate! If you haven't yet submitted a story...what are you waiting for? :)
Today's entry is from Rebecca:My husband and I "met" in grade one. But for the next 6 years, we were in separate schools. Then in high school (gr 8) we really hit it off and were part of the same tight-knit group of friends until grade 10 when we started dating. We dated for
the next four years before getting married.
My mother-in-law who is an avid picture and scrap saver has many albums and memories of my husband. So while visiting one day, I started going through and looking at some of the items. And what did I find? A picture of hubby and I doing a relay race together in grade one. We were squeezing a beach ball between our necks. The picture became the cover of our reception programs at our wedding. It makes me think that maybe we connected at that young of an age already that we paired up together.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Win a date with your spouse (whoo-hoo) Love Gen X Style! Share your story and WIN a dinner for TWO to the restaurant of your choice! ($50 maximum)
Tell us the story of how you and your spousse met. If you have photos, send those along, too! All the stories will be published on this blog. The winning story will be the one with the most tell your friends. A winning story will be chosen at the end of the blog tour and will be published in Tricia's monthly newsletter! (Just think, you'll be famous!)
Contest entry form for Generation NeXt Marriage blog tour! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Stop Lurking! Every week I will draw names for a free Tricia Goyer book from those who comment on my blogs. Winner's choice! Tell your friends.
Just a Spark...

I live in Montana ... it's one of the prettiest places on earth, except during fire season.
Even though the fires are miles and miles from my home, the sky is filled with smoke. In fact, it's so gray and dark it's hard to see the HUGE mountains from my window.
This reminds me of something I read recently:
"It only takes a spark, remember, to set off a forest fire. A careless or wrongly placed word out of your mouth can do that. By our speech we can ruinthe world, turn harmony to chaos, throw mud on a reputation, send the whole world up in smoke and go up in smoke with it, smoke right from the pit of hell."
This is scary:
"You can tame a tiger, but you can't tame a tongue? it's never been done. The tongue runs wild, a wanton killer. With our tongues we bless God our Father; with the same tongues we curse the very men and women he made in his image.Curses and blessings out of the same mouth!"
I love that ... by our speech we can send the whole world up in smoke and go up in smoke with it. It's a great passage from The Bible.
The Bible? Did that sound like the Bible to you? Where are the thees and thous and hard language? I was asked this question by some of my teen friends who heard me read this passage. They didn't read the Bible much, and this isn't what they expected.
The verses are actually, James 3:5-12, The Message version. I LOVE the Message because it is the Bible is today's language.If you don't have this version on the Bible, don't worry.
Check it out," See that box next to Quick Search? You can change the version. Just go down a few and find "The Message." Then you can enter in some of your favorite passages.
Here are a few of mine:
Isaiah 40: 27-31:"Why would you ever complain, O Jacob,or, whine, Israel,saying,"God has lost track of me. He doesn't care what happens to me"? Don't you know anything? Haven't you been listening? God doesn't come and go. God lasts. He's Creator of all you can see or imagine. He doesn't get tired out, doesn't pause to catch his breath. And he knows everything, inside and out. He energizes those who get tired,gives fresh strength to dropouts.For even young people tire and drop out,young folk in their prime stumble and fall. But those who wait upon God get fresh strength.They spread their wings and soar like eagles,They run and don't get tired,they walk and don't lag behind.
Psalm 119: 9-16:
How can a young person live a clean life? By carefully reading the map of your Word. I'm single-minded in pursuit of you; don't let me miss the road signsyou've posted. I've banked your promises in the vault of my heart so I won't sinmyself bankrupt. Be blessed, God;train me in your ways of wise living.
So how about you? What are some of your favorite verses? How do they read in The Message? I'd love for you to share!
Oh, yes, and remember. It only takes a spark! Don't I know it!
Love GenX Style Contest entry #20
Remember the story with the most votes wins the "date with your spouse" gift certificate! If you haven't yet submitted a story...what are you waiting for? :)
Today's entry is from Revka S:A boy who attended my high school for one year ended up attending the same college as I did. Our first semester of college found us bumping into each other, rarely at first and then with increasing frequency. Finally, Stephen asked me on a date, and I accepted his invitation. We soon were "officially" boyfriend and girlfriend. A year and a half later, he asked me to marry him, and we set a wedding date 3 years into the future.
Halfway through our engagement, the Lord used circumstances to make clear to Stephen that we were not to be together, and he sadly broke off our engagement in the first week of September, 1998. I had never felt so rejected and betrayed in my life.
My older sister had graduated from college in May and had accepted a teaching position at a Christian school in a place she had never been and where she knew no one. I had chosen not to re-enroll for the '98-'99 school year. When Sho learned of my broken engagement, she asked if I had any plans. Since I didn't, she invited me to come visit her. The day after my 21st birthday (mid-September), I made the 11 hour drive up to my sister's house. I had already determined to go job-hunting, figuring that perhaps the Lord intended for me to relocate there.
As a matter of course, I attended church with Sho and decided that I liked what was there. Soon, we both became members, and I was almost immediately asked to become the church pianist. That fulfilled a long-cherished dream, and I happily stepped into my new responsibilities, not realizing that the Lord would use that position to catch my future husband's eye.
Still dealing with the effects of the breakup, I was not at all interested in getting to know any guys. I wouldn't even look at any male who happened across my path. (Apparently, that didn't faze Robert. I later learned that he and one of his best friends, who also attended our church, had a conversation regarding Sho and me in which each one laid claim to a girl. Robert loves listening to piano music and laid claim to the church pianist. The funny part is that each of them did end up marrying the girl he claimed.) So matters stood for about a month.
Sometime in October, I started to be included in a group of youth and young adults. I enjoyed making new friends and started to feel more at ease with the notion of having guys as friends. At the end of October, the church had a "fall festival" which I attended. A game of volleyball ensued. I immediately joined in because I had played since 6th grade and absolutely loved the game. I ended up on the same team as Robert and noticed him for the first time. (I had probably seen him before, but I didn't remember him at all.) I was not impressed because he seemed like a nice guy with no substance.
About a week later, Robert invited the group I hung out with to his house to celebrate both his birthday and his success in attaining his pilot's license. He made a point of inviting me personally, trying to make sure that I would be there. I thought his party sounded like fun and decided that I would go.
The day of the party, I played tennis with a male friend (who was younger than me by three years and reminded me of my little brother). I had beat him, as usual, and, at the party, was boasting of that fact. Robert spoke up to say, "I'll play you." I was completely shocked and asked him to repeat himself, which he did. Dumbfounded, I agreed, and he got my phone number so he could call me later to finalize details. I was puzzled by his request but was still not interested in him.
When he called me a couple of days later, we ended up talking for nearly an hour, and I discovered that there was much more to him than I had initially thought. By the end of the conversation, he had captured my interest to the point that I was actually looking forward to our date the next day.
The next day proved to be rainy. I was willing to reschedule, but he had taken time off work (that should have told me a lot right there) to make the date and wanted to go ahead and keep it anyway. We walked around the local (tiny) mall, talking for several hours. My interest grew.
After that, he asked me out on a few more dates and then, shortly after Thanksgiving, asked me to be his girlfriend. I unhesitatingly and very happily agreed, and he gave me his class ring to wear as a symbol of our new relationship.
Four months later, in March of 1999, he sent a dozen beautiful roses to me at work. He had never done anything like that before, and the ladies at work insisted that he was going to propose to me. I enjoyed my roses and, despite the fact that we had never even discussed such a thing, grew a bit excited at the thought of his asking me to become his wife. I received the roses on Tuesday, and we had a date scheduled for Saturday night.
Robert took me to The Legacy, a very nice restaurant, and I enjoyed both the food and the company. He seemed rather nervous and kept checking his watch, at one point making a comment about having plenty of time. When I asked about that statement, he only made a vague reply. After we finished our dinner, he suggested going by a particular park, which I thought was a good idea. The park had a large pond with a bridge across it, and Robert directed our steps that way but turned back when he realized that someone was on the middle of the bridge leaning against the railing and smoking. We stopped to talk. After awhile, he asked to see his class ring. I gave it to him, and, as he studied it, he asked if he could have it back. I immediately thought that he was either breaking up with me or was going to propose after all. I assured him that he could have his ring back if he really wanted it, and he got down on his knee as he offered me a diamond ring in its place, asking if I would consent to be his wife. I ecstatically agreed, and five months later we became husband and wife.
The Lord has blessed me abundantly, and I thank Him for extracting me from a relationship that was not what He wanted for me. I love being Robert's wife and marvel at how an incredibly painful circumstance led to a lifetime of happiness.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Win a date with your spouse (whoo-hoo) Love Gen X Style! Share your story and WIN a dinner for TWO to the restaurant of your choice! ($50 maximum)
Tell us the story of how you and your spousse met. If you have photos, send those along, too! All the stories will be published on this blog. The winning story will be the one with the most tell your friends. A winning story will be chosen at the end of the blog tour and will be published in Tricia's monthly newsletter! (Just think, you'll be famous!)
Contest entry form for Generation NeXt Marriage blog tour! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Stop Lurking! Every week I will draw names for a free Tricia Goyer book from those who comment on my blogs. Winner's choice! Tell your friends.